(MailOnline) – Forget moving to Canada, Americans looking to find happiness in these turbulent times should head down south instead — to Naples, Florida, home of the happiest and healthiest community in the US, for the second year running!
Naples and its neighboring Immokalee and Marco Island have been awarded the No. 1 spot on the Gallup-Healthways State of American Well-Being 2016 Community Well-Being Rankings list, released today.
The Florida community topped the pollster’s list which ranked 189 communities based on responses regarding five ‘key elements of well-being’ — sense of purpose, positive social relationships, financial management, community pride and physical health.
Naples once again scored highly on the overall list, because ‘Naples does a lot of things right,’ Dan Witters, research director of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index told TODAY. ‘[People in] Naples really take care of themselves well.’
‘Naples had the country’s highest number of residents thriving in community well-being, highest rates of healthy eating, lowest rates of daily stress and lowest lifetime diagnoses of depression,’ the report stated.