NBC Urges RTC to Save Taxpayers $50 Million

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(Michael Chamberlain/Nevada Business Coalition) – Earlier today, NBC presented the following testimony regarding the Regional Transportation Commission’s request for proposals for the RTC’s new bus contract:

Hello, my name is Michael Chamberlain and I’m with the Nevada Business Coalition. One of our primary focuses is to help reduce the unnecessary burdens of the State and County governments on taxpayers. In keeping with that goal, we strongly urge you to approve Agenda Item 41 and award the contract to First Transit.

Staff’s analysis indicates First Transit’s bid is lower. Applied Analysis’s independent evaluation concludes that, even if making assumptions in favor of Veolia, First Transit’s bid is lower than Veolia’s. And the reference ratings from the outside markets are higher for First Transit than they are for Veolia.

These analyses indicate that the RTC could potentially save as much as $50 million over the life of the contract. That’s certainly going to help the taxpayers, especially at a time when funds are so scarce.

That’s going to work to the benefit of the taxpayers of Clark County…In addition, the savings could be put toward other areas that may need some work, para-transit services and the like.

This bid is not from some fly-by-night company. First Transit has been providing similar services in markets similar to this – hundreds of markets, including ones comparable to Las Vegas. Applied Analysis reports their pricing is not out of line with historical or other-market data and even in a worst-case scenario, the taxpayers would not suffer negative consequences.

In other words, all of the available data and analysis indicate that First Transit is an experienced, reputable company that submitted a responsible proposal. So, in the interests of the passengers and in the interests of the taxpayers, we urge you to approve Agenda Item #41 and award the contract to First Transit.

Thank you.

(Michael Chamberlain is Executive Director of Nevada Business Coalition.)