According to Bloomberg News, the Left’s effort to shove Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, down the nation’s throat before he leaves office has fizzled. Republicans, for a welcome change, have actually stuck to their guns and refused to hold hearings on a nomination they said Obama shouldn’t make and the GOP wouldn’t consider.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Democrats’ lady-in-waiting for once Sen. Harry Reid finally leaves office, had a curious thing to say about this turn of events yesterday. “In key states,” the Chuckster said in a statement, “Republican senators are feeling the heat for their obstruction that would let Donald Trump pick the next Supreme Court justice.”
Whoa! That means the D’s #2 in the Senate has come to the conclusion that Trump will be the GOP’s nominee and that he’s going to beat Hillary Clinton. Hillary must be thrilled.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief
P.S. I saw that Jeb Bush said that Ted Cruz picking Carly Fiorina as his running mate was a “smart move.” And we should listen to Jeb because his own presidential campaign was such a huge success.
Oh, wait…
Anti-Trump Protest Turns Violent
Raucous protesters and supporters of GOP presidential contender Donald Trump took to the streets in Southern California Thursday night, resulting in violent confrontations and some 20 arrests.
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MUTH’S TRUTHS: Attention, Nevada taxpayers. If you thought last year’s $1.4 billion tax hike – the largest in state history – meant there’ll be no tax hike talk in next year’s legislative session, think again.
Vinny Spotleson, Democrat candidate for Assembly District 21 in Clark County, inked a letter-to-the-editor that was published in the Las Vegas Sun on Thursday in which he boldly declared that “All 2017 Nevada legislators need to recognize that we have only just begun to address schools-funding challenges.”
So there WILL be efforts to raise taxes yet AGAIN next year. Which is why Republicans who voted for the big tax hike last year need to be defeated in primaries by Republican challengers who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge promising to “oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.”
When candidates come to your door, tell them to take the Pledge or take a walk. Period.
Southern Nevadans have heard so many stadium proposals come and go for so long that the most recent proposal by the Las Vegas Sands – which included the possibility of luring the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas – just sounded like another pie-in-the-sky/never-to-see-reality field of dreams.
But on Thursday Raiders owner Mark Davis testified before a tourism committee evaluating the proposal and promised, in no uncertain terms, that if Las Vegas builds it, he and the Raider Nation will come (subject to NFL owners’ approval, of course).
There is still a prickly problem of $750 million worth of the project coming from room taxes paid by tourists, but the final funding formula is far from set. The question for fiscal conservatives will be whether taxes will be raised or existing taxes reallocated. The devil, as always, is in the details.
Nevertheless, as Las Vegas Review-Journal sports writer Ed Graney wrote this morning, “the idea that a domed stadium could, within four years, feature the Las Vegas Raiders is hardly the long shot once imagined.” Indeed, as Davis said at the hearing, “Together we can turn the Silver State into the silver-and-black state.”
So let it be written; so let it be done.
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“Trump’s makeover into a serious statesman will make him electable against unlikable Clinton.” –