An open letter to Senator Harry Reid
(Robert Kessler) – Dear Senator Reid, on July 14, 2015, you said, concerning the Administration’s agreement with Iran , “Now it is incumbent on Congress to review this agreement with the thoughtful, level-headed process an agreement of this magnitude deserves.” On August 12, 2015, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported that you still were undecided.
During the intervening month, Congress heard America’s deep skepticism of this agreement, particularly those provisions for the on-site inspection. And, of course, those mysterious parts that no one – including Congress – has seen. President Obama disregarded your “thoughtful” Congressional review and instead delivered the agreement to the United Nations Security Council. Discounting years of enmity between Iran and the United States, and constant lies and agreement violations by Iranian leaders, our President told us that THIS agreement is positive, necessary and the only alternative to war.
Perhaps you subscribe to the Administration’s position that Iranian war chants (“Death to America! Death to Israel!”) are merely empty rhetoric. If so, I suggest you read the editorial in the August 10, 2015 Weekly Standard which ties al Qaeda to Iran. Citing Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reports and testimony based on records recovered from the Osama bin Laden raid, Iran is identified as a major al Qaeda ally and facilitator dating back to pre-9/11. The DIA reports leave little doubt of Iran’s aims. And of Iran’s long-term support for, and involvement in, anti-American military actions. By opening the door to a massive infusion of funds to Iran, and an ultimate Iranian nuclear capability, this agreement virtually assures an explosive escalation of mid-East violence. And increased threats to our homeland.
Senator Reid, I find it difficult to understand how a “thoughtful, level-headed” leader would ever consider risking the security of the United States and Israel on the word of hostile and dangerous liars. There are effective policy alternatives to this agreement that are much more likely to avoid war. Make your decision – come down on the side of American and Israeli security. Vote NO on this agreement.