Ohio Republicans Start to Cave

(Nathan Martin/The Union Label) – The bottom line with SB5 (Ohio) is that we have a seven member margin to get this passed, as is or as amended:

So far, the following Republicans are opposed to SB5 in its current form:

Sen. Hughes

Sen. Grendell

Sen. Gilmor

Sen. Oeslager

Sen. Patton

These members are on the fence:

Sen. Jimmy Stewart: SD20@senate.state.oh.us, (614) 466-8076

Sen. Bill Seitz: SD08@senate.state.oh.us, (614) 466-8068

In response to a lot of protests, the bill has already been amended to NOT strip Collective Bargaining Rights for base salaries from State employees. Any further watering down will risk any actual benefit to the legislation. Of course, passing controversial legislation without any actual budgetary benefit is akin to political suicide.


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