(Diana Orrock) – Okay, I've had just about enough of so many of you who were Trump supporters going into the election, who now are feeling so betrayed as reflected in your daily whining about who Trump is appointing and considering appointing to his cabinet posts and various positions. It shows just how little you really understand about the man who was just elected to be our next President of the United States.
Just as I saw during the very first Republican candidate debate for POTUS, I continue to see a shrewdly successful leader and businessman, a man who knows and understands the Art of the Deal. Everything this man does is done strategically, so that he can get what he wants done. How do you think he built his very successful business empire?
How soon you've forgotten how he outsmarted not only every one of his Republican opponents, but the media as well, throughout the entire campaign.
So you say Trump is going back on his word and isn't going to “Drain the Swamp” because he is going to work with the very swamp dwellers you thought he was going to eliminate? Did you think Trump was going to somehow fire these people and alienate the very people he has to work with? GROW UP!!
Don't you want the man to Make America Great Again?? How do you expect Trump to do that if he alienates everybody he has to work with??
Running this country and making it great again means working with both houses of Congress and the people it contains. If you understand nothing else about Trump, understand that he knows how to work with people to get a job done and that is exactly what he is laying the groundwork for.
Many of these people may be swamp dwellers, but they are not stupid. They know how despised they are by most of America, so does Trump and he is using that to HIS advantage.
The swamp dwellers also understand that they can change their despicable images by doing Trump's bidding, making themselves look better by assisting and fulfilling Trump's agenda. It's a win-win, for the Republican majority, for those on the other side of the aisle, for Trump and for our country. They look good and ultimately Trump looks good.
Trump “drains the swamp” by getting rid of the stagnation and a lot of the blatant corruption, no more status quo, which leads me to my final comments.
As much as I admire Dr. Ron Paul, his ideas about things wrong in our country and what needed to be done to change it, he is a person who was never going to be able to work with enough people to get the job done. That's just reality.
It's the same reason Ted Cruz wasn't going to be president along with several others. They wouldn't have been able to get people to work with them.
So now we have Trump, the non-politician, the non-NWO globalist, the successful businessman, a real LEADER who knows how to negotiate, knows how to work with people from all walks of life, knows how to get the job done.
Stop second-guessing the man, stop doubting the man. Let him do what he's going to do. Give him the chance and opportunity to finally lead this country into some better days. Let Trump make America great again.
Just as I was after the first debate in Cleveland in August 2015, I'm still behind Trump 110%. It's too bad so many of you don't understand the man you elected.
Diana Orrock is the Republican National Committeewoman for Nevada.