(Nevadans Against Common Core) – Following the computer failures of SBAC and warnings of citizens who were present to support the introduction of failed AB303, a bill introduced by Assemblyman Brent Jones, to remove the Common Core standards and replace them with the best proven standards, Incline Village citizens will gather on Tuesday evening at the Incline Village library to learn more about “opting-out” of the tests which have been a controversial part of the Common Core roll-out in Nevada and several other states.
The controversy over the student data collection, storage, and sharing among government agencies and private companies related to Common Core testing will be one of the hot topics discussed in Tuesday’s meeting.
“I will cover why most local educators will not (or cannot) give parents all the facts about these inappropriate exams,” said John Eppolito, founder of Nevadans Against Common Core.
Schools throughout three states, including Nevada, have reported trouble giving SBAC exams because of computer software failure. One of the three states Montana decided Wednesday to make the SBAC optional this year. On their site, SBAC has already promised to fail two-thirds of all the students who take the exam.
“It appears Nevada will forge ahead with this inappropriate testing no matter how much time is wasted,” said Mr. Eppolito.
The Tuesday meeting, entitled “Why You Should Not Let Your Child (grades 3-8) Take the SBAC Exam,” will be held on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 6:30 PM, in the Incline Village Public Library, 845 Alder Ave. The meeting is open to the general public at no cost. Parents in surrounding Washoe communities are encouraged to attend.
Nevadans Against Common Core (NACC) is a non-profit organization, whose six board members (three Democrats: Pat Lynch, Angie Sullivan, and Don Gallimore, and three Republicans: John Eppolito, Carol Wright, and Virginia Starrett) demonstrate the truly bi-partisan nature of Common Core opposition in Nevada. Visit www.NevadansAgainstCommonCore.com for more information.