NN&V Exclusive
(Lori Piotrowski) – The Ron Paul Revolution is still trying to force its hand in Tampa. According to an article in today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal by Laura Myers, the Nevada troops are still “hoping to put Paul’s name into nomination.”
Late last night, the Clark County Republican Party put out an “urgent” press release, declaring its intent to force the Republican National Convention to play by its original rules.
This intent is laughable.
Anyone who attended the Nevada Republican Central Committee meeting in 2010, when the rules for the Nevada caucuses and national delegates were determined, is either seething or ROTFL at their folly.
Whenever I have spoken with a “follower,” I was told that their concern is to follow the rules.
Except when the rules don’t work in their favor, as we have seen by the Nevada delegates who are he**-bent on following the rules as they shape them.
Now, it appears that the RNC is seeking to “bind” the delegates to the candidate, which is exactly what the Nevada Central Committee did, and the “followers” have deemed this a “coup” by the “elite.”
It sounds as if the RNC is trying to enforce our state rules, which our delegates have decided to throw out the window.
For those who would force their beliefs on others and disenfranchise all of Nevada voters:
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7, KJV).