Perry Opens Nevada Campaign Office

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NN&V Exclusive

(Lori Piotrowski) – Many who follow politics have been wondering where all the candidates are. For a state that is “supposed” to have the third caucus/primary in the nation, only a handful of presidential candidates have been campaigning here. And of those, their presence is only just now becoming known.

Gingrich will be holding a fundraiser next week at Mundo's. Cain has been here several times, and his campaign office has been active for months. Paul made an appearance in May, and his office and supporters have already been sprinkling the Las Vegas valley with signage. Romney announced his new jobs plan in North Las Vegas in a trucking business to an audience of supporters and international media, and his ground team is just getting up and running.

But where is everbody else who's been occupying the stage at those debates?

Well, it looks as if one of those absent candidates has decided to make a go of it in Nevada. Rick Perry's campaign today announced it has opened an office in the Silver State.

Jeremy Hughes will serve as state director and Kristin Vieria as deputy state director.

“I am excited to be expanding our campaign operation into Nevada and have full confidence in Jeremy and Kristin as they take the helm of our efforts in this important state,” said Gov. Perry. “I look forward to working with them as I share my vision to get America working again across the state of Nevada and beyond.”

Both Hughes and Vieira are campaign veterans. Hughes most recently worked on Mississippi State Treasurer Tate Reeves' campaign for Lt. Governor. He also previously worked for Kentucky Congressman Geoff Davis and was executive director of Freedom Vote, a non-profit focusing on voter turnout efforts in Ohio.

Vieria is former deputy director of the 2010 Nevada GOP Victory operation and has worked on other statewide campaigns in Nevada and other western states.

Now let's see who else will follow.