(Fred Weinberg) – So, let me get this straight.
If you have an objection to a Planned Parenthood staffer telling an undercover investigator that they can do things to make an aborted fetus “less crunchy” in an attempt to preserve viable organs, you have declared a war on women.
If you object to using the euphemism “fetal tissue” when they really mean “body parts” harvested from late term, partial birth abortions, then you have declared a war on women.
Well, I don’t know about that. But I do know that Planned Parenthood has apparently declared a war on viable babies and I know it because I saw the video and read the unedited transcripts.
If there were ever a reason to declare a war on a half a billion tax dollars funding this organization, this is it.
And their lamo response?
The video was “heavily edited” and shooting the video was possibly illegal since the poor miscreants from Planned Parenthood didn’t know they were being recorded.
As my step children would have said before they all became adults (because their mother wisely decided to have them), duuuhhhh…
Even the moron doctor who said she wanted a Lambo when she was haggling over the price probably would have cleaned up her big fat white wine rinsed mouth if she knew she was being recorded.
ABC News does a program with John Quinones called “What Would You Do?”, where they set up a whole situation somewhere with actors and hidden cameras. This would have been a fascinating episode because all that was missing was the big reveal with John stepping out and introducing himself. Nobody says that ABC has violated anybody’s rights.
What do you think the abortionist would have said under those circumstances?
What would you have done—no matter your political leaning—if you were at the next table?
Harry Reid (D-Ritz Carlton, Washington DC) defended Planned Parenthood noting that the videos were “politically motivated” and that fetal tissues had been used in research for a long time.
The part about fetal tissue is true.
But whole organs? Which were harvested by a doctor who—for lack of a better term—custom kills a baby so as not to damage the organs?
I don’t know about you, but that’s a little too much playing God for me.
It sounds pretty close to what Dr. Josef Mengele (The Nazi Angel of Death) did during the third Reich.
It’s only a small step from there, to just picking out a kid whose life maybe doesn’t matter as much as others and harvesting his or her organs.
Just like they custom kill a cow to get a specific cut of meat.
It is typical of the left that even when they get caught doing or supporting the most horrific of things, they never, ever admit that they might have gone over the line.
I’m a realist. I don’t think you will ever stop abortions as long as you have irresponsible people having irresponsible sex.
Reasonable people can differ on when life begins.
But when you can harvest an intact heart and lungs, then what you are really doing is murdering a baby.
Anybody who can argue with that has never seen an ultrasound at 20 weeks.
We don’t have to pay for it with tax dollars and we certainly don’t have to encourage late term partial birth abortions where the baby is custom killed by a doctor who is trying to harvest the baby’s organs intact.
When people getting federal funding to the tune of half a BILLION dollars a year admit what they are doing over white wine, salad and brie, we need to stop paying for it.
Only God can play God.
Mr. Weinberg is publisher of the Penny Press. Get to know more about him by visiting www.PennyPressNV.com.