* * * The Trump rally in Las Vegas Thursday night drew a reported 8,000 supporters and around 100 whiny protestors.
“Some brief anecdotal scene from the Trump rally here in Las Vegas,” wrote Washington Post reporter Ashley Parker. “One woman drove in from San Diego. Another drove 16 hours from Elk City, Idaho. A man and his son flew down from Washington State. And everyone in the long line in 95 degree heat is nothing but wildly supportive.”
Wow. Positive, accurate observation from WaPo. Are we in an alternative universe?
* * * Attended the Nevada Policy Research Institute’s (NPRI) annual dinner featuring award-winning Wall Street Journal journalist Kim Strassel last night while the rest of you were at the Trump rally. Was pleasantly surprised to learn in talking with Ms. Strassel that she’s a Muth’s Truths reader!
What an honor.
* * * Attention Conservatives: NPRI is a Nevada treasure. Nobody – and I mean NOBODY – does more for the cause of individual liberty and free markets in Nevada than NPRI. And the organization’s new El Presidente, John Tsarpalas, is an absolute conservative mensch! We are blessed to have both in our state.
But what they do for us ain’t cheap. So do me a favor and click here right now and make a quick small donation to a great cause before reading any further.
In fact, please consider signing up to make a $5 donation automatically every month on your credit card. I just did. It’s a cup of coffee. You’ll never notice it or miss it. But if enough of us pony up, it’ll make a HUGEdifference in the never-ending fight for freedom.
* * * “As usual, @realDonaldTrump attacked the press multiple times tonight,” tweeted Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Ramona Giwargis last night after the Trump rally in Las Vegas. “His supporters followed suit by shouting at us after the rally ended.”
Why is it that reporters and cable TV talking heads can bash President Trump (and conservatives and Republicans) and we’re told they’re just exercising their free speech rights, but when the president and his supporters bash the media for their “fake news” bias…somehow that’s NOT an exercise of THEIRfree speech rights?
* * * Liberal blogger Jon Ralston, editor of the “MGM Blog,” is shocked and complaining that President Donald Trump is holding a high-dollar fundraising event for Sen. Dean Heller and congressional candidate Danny Tarkanianthis morning at…the Trump hotel.
Duh. What a liberal clown.
* * * Sorry, but I don’t believe Christine Blasey Ford. Her 11th-hour unsubstantiated, reputation-tarring accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t pass the smell test and is nothing more than Democrats trying to hold his nomination to the Supreme Court hostage. It’s sickening what they’re doing to this man and his family.
If Senate Republicans allow them to get away with this, they deserve to lose their majority in November.
* * * An editorial in the Las Vegas Review-Journal notes that “impeachment (of President Trump) is a top priority of Democrat voters.” An agenda shared by Rep. Maxine “Mad Max” Waters and Democrat congressional candidate/DC lobbyist Stevie Horsford.
But when fellow Democrat congressional candidate Susie Lee was asked about impeachment, she “dodged the question.” Like she does for all important questions in the race. A real “nothing burger.”
* * * A gunman shot and killed three people at a warehouse in Maryland on Thursday. The gun was reportedly properly registered to the shooter. Yet we’re supposed to believe that background checks are the answer to gun violence?
News reports also note that “police were on the scene in just over five minutes.” Five minutes too late for the three victims. First responders are great. God bless them. But in a situation like this when seconds count, immediate responders – citizens armed with concealed weapons – are what’s called for.
* * * Let’s try a little simple math. A public school ends up with 60 kids less than predicted this year. And the average class size is around 20 kids.
Now I know I went to public school myself for a time, so double-check my math, but it seems to me that means the school now needs three fewer teachers who can be transferred to schools which ended up with more students than predicted. Duh.
* * * MGM is whining that fans attending Las Vegas Raiders games will fill up its parking garages on game days.
Wahhhh. It was the greedy MGM that brought PAID PARKING to the Las Vegas Strip in the first place. Cry me a river.
“America is winning again, America is being respected again, because we are finally putting America first again.” – President Trump at Las Vegas rally Thursday night
“President Obama is the only president since Herbert Hoover not to have a single quarter reach 3 percent growth while in office, producing the worst economic recovery in U.S. history.” – Pulitzer Prize winner editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez
“Just a thought……If Christine Ford declines to be interviewed Monday…. I’m available to answer questions about my Rape by Bill Clinton.” – Tweet by Juanita Broaddrick
“I have been in the Bay Area for the past week, and it’s unbelievable how irresponsible the left wing politicians are to the community. In San Francisco, they will give me needles to inject illegal drugs in my body. But, it’s illegal for the grocery stores to provide me a plastic bag to carry my food. The human waste on the sidewalks, doorways and streets are as disgusting as the politicians who created this mess.” – Dr. Ben Chavis, author of “Crazy Like a Fox”