(The Douglas County, Nevada Republican Central Committee passed the following resolution at their May 12th meeting. In June, Churchill County Republican Central Committee also passed the resolution. These Republicans are a step ahead of the game as seen in today’s published Rasmussen poll, only 26% of Americans are in favor of continued American involvement in Libya. – Ed.)
(Gardnerville, Nevada) – The Douglas County, Nevada Republican Central Committee (DCRCC) announces that Douglas passed a formal resolution requiring President Obama to obtain necessary permission for his Libya campaign, or Congress exercise their authority under the current law to direct removal of forces.
America has entered into an era of renewed involvement in the political process. Modern technology has enabled the People to find their voice and hold their elected leaders accountable. Republicans across America demand all our elected leaders respect the Constitution and the principles they pledged to stand for.
We believe that the military should only be used when absolutely necessary and only after Congress gives clear permission in accordance with the Constitution. Although there are many different opinions on Section 1541 and whether it requires permission prior to inserting U.S. forces into conflict; we hold that it clearly does.
The history of the War Powers Resolution is that presidents have stated in words and practice, that they do not accept the act as constitutional or binding on them as Commander-in-Chief. A dangerous precedent has already developed and cannot be allowed to continue. Congress must reclaim their authority to decide when American Forces are inserted into hostilities when immediate threats to our nation are not present.
We believe that this resolution is one step in what will become a serious discussion involving all Americans honoring the intent of the Founders to support the Congress in performing their oversight duties.
Press release available online: http://tinyurl.com/5r6gc6u
Resolution available online: http://tinyurl.com/3elklrs
Point of Contact: Shawn Meehan, author of resolution, Douglas County Republican Central Committee. 775-309-1050, airlifter2@gmail.com.
The text of the DCRCC resolution as passed:
WHEREAS, President Barack Obama sent United States Military forces into combat in the Libyan Republic March 19, 2011
WHEREAS, 50 U.S.C. § 1541, (c) requires the Commander in Chief to secure approval from Congress for such an act unless there has been: (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.
WHEREAS, none of the above-stated criteria have occurred.
WHEREAS, Congress created the War Powers Resolution specifically to fulfill the intent of the Framers of the Constitution of the United States and ensure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President would apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities.
WHEREAS, President Obama prosecuting Operation Odyssey Dawn, now Operation Unified Protector, without the required Congressional statutory authorization, disregards the Rule of Law and Separation of Powers in our Constitution emphasized by Congress with the War Powers Resolution.
WHEREAS, Unchecked violation of laws sets a dangerous precedent for future governmental officials that must not be allowed.
WHEREAS, 50 U.S.C. § 1544, (c) provides, “…at any time that United States Armed Forces are engaged in hostilities outside the territory of the United States, its possessions and territories without a declaration of war or specific statutory authorization, such forces shall be removed by the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution.”
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, President Obama’s actions constitute a clear violation of 50 U.S.C. § 1541
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Douglas County Republican Central Committee demands President Obama immediately petition Congress for the required initial authorization for the conduct of Operation Odyssey Dawn and Operation Unified Protector.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Should President Obama fail to petition Congress immediately for this approval, The Douglas County Republican Central Committee demands Congress act immediately under the specific authority granted them by 50 U.S.C. § 1544 (c) to direct President Obama to immediately terminate American participation in Operation Unified Protector.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Further, should President Obama fail to petition Congress for this authority, The Douglas County Republican Central Committee demands Congress censure President Obama for his flagrant violation of the law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Chair of the Douglas County Republican Central Committee will ensure a copy of this resolution, once approved, is signed and forwarded via fax to: President Obama, Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Reid, Senator Heller, Congressman Heck, Congresswoman Berkley, House and Senate Clerks Offices.