September 5, 2012
Whereas on Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 13 members of the duly elected Republican National Convention Delegation from the State of Nevada willfully violated the Nevada Republican Party Delegate Binding Rules for 2012, specifically Section 5 of said rules, and did not properly represent the State of Nevada by failing to vote for the candidate to whom they were bound or by abstaining from the vote altogether, and
Whereas the Nevada Delegation Chairman, Wayne Terhune of Washoe County, willfully led and encouraged the Nevada delegation to disgrace the Nevada Republican Party and, in effect, disenfranchise Republican participants in the 2012 Nevada Republican Party caucus by disregarding rules which required delegates to be bound in accordance with the percentage of votes cast for each candidate based on the results of the vote at the caucus held February 4, 2012, and,
Whereas, Delegation Chair Terhune incorrectly reported the vote of National Committeeman, Robert List, as an abstention, when Gov List had clearly indicated his presidential preference, and
Whereas the Nevada Republican Party must always seek to be a party of principle, fairness and honesty,
Be it hereby resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Nevada Republican Party hereby censures the Republican National Convention Delegation Chairman, Wayne Terhune of Washoe County, and each delegate who violated the binding rule by either voting for a candidate to whom they were not bound or by abstaining from voting for whom they were bound to vote.
Be it further resolved that the Executive Committee of the Nevada Republican Party requests that the Secretary of the Republican National Convention record Nevada’s roll call votes for President and Vice-President of the United States as our rules specify they were to be cast in order to correct the erroneous reporting by the Nevada Delegation Chairman.