RISE Summer Programs Bring Fun Into Education

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NN&V Exclusive

(Lori Piotrowski) – If your creativity has waned and you need an injection of fun for your children this summer, look to RISE Education Resource Center. RISE has announced its summer schedule, and its full of fun and learning for kids beginning at age 4.

Programs are varied, and new ones are being added frequently, so sign up your young ones now. The RISE Web site (www.RISEerc.org) has a full listing of low-cost activities. Classes begin this week and run through the end of August.

Classes range from Korean camp (learning language and culture), Being a Responsible Pet Owner, Trapeze, hands-on Language Arts, and movie making. RISE also supports various clubs and society meetings, such as Holisitic Moms, 4-H and the Society for Creative Anachronism.

For more information, please visit the RISE Web site (www.RISEerc.org) or call 702-241-6170.