Road to Reid’s Demise Runs Through Alaska

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(Rick Gorka) – The battle for control of the U.S. Senate and the future of Harry Reid as Majority Leader will most likely come down to Alaska. Alaska will play a critical role in restoring conservative values to the Senate.

Mead Treadwell, the current Lieutenant Governor – who spoke at various events in Las Vegas on December 7 – is in the strongest position to defeat one of Harry Reid’s biggest supporters, Mark Begich.

“Mark Begich is an accidental Senator,” said Treadwell. “Without the Justice Department’s improper interference in the Senate race in 2008, Mark Begich would have never been elected. Luckily for us, we don’t have to live with that mistake much longer. In November, Alaskans have an opportunity to elect a strong conservative that will represent their values in the U.S. Senate.”

In the primary, Mead Treadwell is the only businessman and the only candidate that has successfully won a statewide election. Mead’s experience in Alaska is unmatched by anyone else in the primary and he is in the best position to beat Begich in November.

“I’ve spent nearly 40 years of my life fighting on behalf of Alaskans and their interests,” said Treadwell. “Whether it has been protecting our fishing industry, getting access to our land and timber and protecting the Artic, I’ve been there and I will continue that fight when I am elected to the Senate.”

Treadwell continued, “I also believe that my experience in the private sector is another asset. I know how to take a business from an idea to market. I know how to budget and make things work on limited resources. I think Washington DC needs more people like me.”

Over the last six years, President Obama and Harry Reid have given us record spending, record debt and Obamacare. We cannot afford to see what happens in the last two years of Obama’s term. The only way to ensure Obama does not have a free pass is to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

“When I am elected to the Senate, I guarantee you my first vote won’t be for Harry Reid,” said Treadwell. “But that was exactly Mark Begich’s first vote. Since then he has supported the Obama/Reid agenda with 93% of his votes. That voting record is fundamentally out-of-step with Alaskan values.”

In November 2014, the road to a conservative majority in the Senate runs through Alaska. It’s also the same road to make sure Harry Reid is no longer in charge of the Senate.

(Mr. Gorka is communications director of the Treadwell for Alaska campaign.  You can learn more about Mead by visiting