(Chuck Muth) – Rory Reid closed his debate with Brian Sandoval saying, “I started this debate off with a strong accusation. I said that Brian was not a strong leader,” Reid said in closing remarks after the hour-long debate. “I’m afraid there are two Brian Sandovals.”
Fortunately, there’s only one Rory Reid….because he’s a liar.
Believe me, I don’t use that word lightly. It is, as it should be, quite incendiary and should be reserved for politicians who don’t just “spin,” but outright and intentionally lie.
Like how Rory claims Brian Sandoval’s plan to plug the budget gap back before February’s special session of the Legislature is Sandoval’s plan for next year’s budget and that it would result in massive teacher layoffs. That’s not spin, that’s an outright lie….and Rory knows it’s an outright lie….and since he chooses to continue telling it anyway….that makes him a liar.
There’s just no way to sugarcoat it.
Rory also told another whopper last night in debating an issue very near and dear to my heart: school vouchers.
Rory claimed that Sandoval’s voucher program would provide parents with $6,000 vouchers to send their kids to a private school, but that since private schools cost $15,000, only rich people would be able to use the vouchers.
What an ass.
While it might be true that a very small number of some elite and exclusive private schools – mostly at the high school level – might cost $15,000 a year, I remember doing a survey of private Catholic elementary schools just a couple years ago in which the yearly tuition ranged from $3,000 – $5,000.
None even came CLOSE to $15,000.
And by the way, once school vouchers become universally available, that will unleash a torrent of new private school openings and/or expansions because suddenly there will be a tremendous demand in the market. At that point, free-market competition will go through the roof and you’ll see prices come DOWN, not go up.
And thirdly, even if the tuition cost is above the $6,000 level – let’s say, picking a number at random…..$15,000 – would it harder or easier for families to afford to pay the full $15,000 out of their pocket, or to come up with $9,000 (after receiving the $6,000 voucher)?
Rory hates vouchers because Rory loves government – and especially the “public option” for government-run education.
But back to the leadership question.
Brian Sandoval has been a member of the Nevada Legislature, a gaming regulator, an attorney general and a federal judge.
Rory Reid has been a silver spoon-fed Senator’s son and chairman of the Clark County Commission which has overseen rampant street crime, the highest unemployment, foreclosure and bankruptcy rates in the nation, is choked with traffic, has the worst public school district in the state and is bleeding red ink like a BP oil rig.
And he has the gall to criticize Brian Sandoval on the leadership question? Chutzpah, I tell ya. Real chutzpah.