(Jim Blockey) – I have read several so-called teacher blogs in the past few weeks and the one thing I am sure of is that many of them have not been written by teachers that have been in the classroom for a while.
I was reading in “Teaching Now” some of the blogs, I was surprised to read, were saying the same things our political leaders were saying.
One blog was titled, “High School Students Are Bored.” The story said, “The factor the students most frequently cited as the cause of their boredom was that the ‘material wasn’t interesting,’ with ‘lack of relevance’ of the material following not too far behind.”
Ok, school is not the most exciting place to be, it is not entertaining, and not all the material IS interesting… Well not all jobs are either.
Teachers are supposed to disseminate information to students not entertain, not that we should not try to keep the students awake. The fact is some lessons just are not all that exciting.
As far as the students saying the material had a “lack of relevance,” well of course with the student’s vast amount of worldly experience… they know much more than us ignorant adults.
The first thing adults need to realize is that we ARE NOT on the same level as children; we have more knowledge, experience and wisdom.
Do not believe for a minute that we are supposed to operate on the same level, we are to guide them. If we get that turned around our society is truly doomed.
Another blog I read was title “$100,000 Teachers.” Sounds good until you hear the criteria for the increase pay.
”According to the Wall Street Journal, qualifying teachers would ‘have to have proven track records in moving students forward, either by test scores or other measures.’”
Here we go again, teachers pay is determined by the students. Can’t you just hear little Johnny, “I know I haven’t done any work this quarter Mr. B., but you better give me a good grade or you will not be considered a good teacher and you will not get a raise.”
If you do not think that happens, you are dead wrong. I have not only heard it, I have had it said to me.
There is no perfect way to decide teacher wages, but letting it be determined by SOMEONE ELSE’S drive, desires or abilities and not YOURS is absurd.
This blog went on to say that, “Denver’s pioneering and much-watched performance-pay program may be improving the quality of teachers in the district.”
You see how the blame for failing students is on the teachers.
Now I do not believe for a minute that in Denver many of these teachers improved, but I do believe their expectations for the students were lowered as well as the grade curve.
If last year a 90% was the cut off for an A and this year the cut off was 80%, that would mean more students would get an A… does that mean that you did a better job of teaching?
No, it just means you lowered the standards.
It is not the Teachers Fault that education in America is failing. It is the attitude towards teachers that is the main cause.