(NN&V Staff) – Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Bernie Zadrowski announced today that he is seeking the judgeship of Las Vegas Justice Court, Department 14.
Zadrowski, a prosecutor in the DA’s office for over a dozen years, will run for Justice of the Peace in 2010 for a six-year term. He currently serves as the supervisor of the Clark County DA Check Fraud Division, having prosecuted many notable, high profile cases.
“Numerous colleagues – defense attorneys as well as prosecutors– have urged me to run in the past,” Zadrowski said. “The court’s decision to add another department to help tackle the tremendous caseloads that our judges are currently having to tame has come at an opportune time. I believe that my varied professional and life experiences make me uniquely qualified to serve the people of this county in this capacity.”
Zadrowski currently serves as a member of the Judicial Ethics and Campaign Practices Commission. He also serves as the Vice Chairman of the State Bar Association’s Southern Nevada Disciplinary Board, the enforcement arm of the State Bar which has authority to adjudicate and discipline lawyers for transgressions in their legal practices.
Additionally, Zadrowski has served the legal community in numerous capacities in the past, having been elected and served as President of the Latino Bar Association of Southern Nevada, as well as serving as the Clark County Prosecutor’s Association’s first Vice President. He is an adjunct professor of criminal law at CSN where he has taught classes in criminal justice and juvenile courts and procedure for over a decade.
Zadrowski is also a former chairman of the Clark County Republican Party and member of the Nevada Republican Central Committee. He was a delegate to the 2008 Republican National Committee and has been a leading anti-tax hike voice for fiscal responsibility.
Zadrowski was endorsed over the weekend by the Nevada State Law Enforcement Officers’ Association. For more information please visit www.BernieZadrowski.com