The REAL Reason Why Republicans Lost in 2022

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The headlines of a December 2nd article in the Washington Examiner about a lawsuit from the Trump campaign read “Nevada ‘fraud’: 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as ‘homes’” The article goes on to dismiss each of these claims for lack of proof.

The one report on an issue that could have led to voter fraud was from the Louder With Crowder program. They went to addresses throughout the Las Vegas valley and found empty lots where people supposedly lived and apartment buildings with boxes and boxes of undelivered ballots stacked up against garbage dumpsters before the Primary.

None of this was followed up on and the story disappeared in the liberal ether.

Allegation after allegation of voting fraud before and after the 2020 general election were thrown against the wall to see what would stick.  In every single case there was no proof provided by the Republican Party and it became a punchline in the press.

The results were a complete disillusionment of the integrity of the voting process.  The voters were convinced that fraud happened.  They were sure that Democrats and the propaganda arm of the DNC, known as the MSM, conspired to cover up the facts and rig the system.

THIS is why there was no Red Tsunami in 2022 and the reason why good candidates in easily winnable campaigns lost in Nevada.

The people stayed home all because of the Republicans who cried wolf.

In the aftermath, the GOP needs to get behind measures to restore faith in the voting process.

While extremely difficult (read impossible) with Democrats controlling the state legislature, there are things we as a party can do.

The first step is cleaning up the voter rolls.  This needs to be done on a yearly basis to ensure those who actually live here, vote here.

The second is to follow the example of Nye Country and move to paper ballots. The vote totals were more accurate than electronic voting where both went through the same tabulators.

The third step is Voter ID.  Democrats will fight this tooth and nail and their excuses are nothing short of racist.  Every citizen either has an ID or can easily get one.

If the Republican Party has any chance of turning Nevada red in the future, we need to stop crying wolf and push for common sense steps to restore faith in the voting process