(McKay Daniels) – News reports indicate that Nevada’s Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation has said the state’s unemployment rate will not go back down to single digits until 2014. The costs of this high unemployment will not only be felt by workers and families without jobs, but also by the state government in Nevada and by employers whose taxes fund the jobless benefits-taxes that could double.
Nevada’s unemployment insurance trust fund has borrowed approximately $500 million to date to pay regular benefits. The loan amounts will continue to mount for the considerable future and Nevada’s employers will be paying back these loans for years to come.
Unfortunately, the news of the financial impact of Nevada’s high unemployment rate comes on the heels of President Obama reaffirming his support for job-killing legislation, the Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act (EFCA). Speaking to Big Labor heads just the other day, the President said he would “keep on fighting” to pass this misguided legislation. At a time when Nevada businesses are facing more challenges than ever before, fighting for this job-killing legislation is not the solution we need. We need elected officials fighting for small businesses not against them. (Clip of President Obama’s remarks here).
EFCA is job-killing legislation that would force unionization on small businesses resulting in many closing their doors or moving overseas. It would remove a workers’ right to a secret ballot in union-organizing efforts and impose mandatory, binding arbitration on both workers and small businesses alike allowing a government bureaucrat to dictate the terms of contracts with no appeals process.
“Years of continuing high unemployment will be a tremendous strain on all areas our state’s finances. This unemployment crisis touches every aspect of Nevada’s government and social safety net. That’s why our elected leaders need to be doing everything they can to turn this economy around,” said McKay Daniels, state director of the Alliance to Protect Nevada Jobs (APNJ).
“Supporting the Employee ‘Forced’ Choice Act will make this downward cycle even worse as it will add to the tremendous difficulties employers are already facing and result in significant layoffs. Candidates for elected office need to take a stand and oppose this legislation; otherwise, they will not be able to say they side with workers and small businesses in getting Nevada back to work.”
(McKay Daniels is director of the Alliance to Protect Nevada Jobs)