(Las Vegas, NV) – The UNLV College Republicans are telling President Obama to take what they call “empty promises” elsewhere, as he visits Las Vegas today as part of his trip to five swing states. The group cites persistent unemployment, especially among America’s youth, as a major cause of their dissatisfaction with the president’s performance as it relates to the economy. The youth unemployment rate is close to 25%, roughly three-times the national rate.
“With an unemployment rate of nearly 13%, Las Vegans have had enough of the empty rhetoric and broken promises,” said Thomas McAllister, president of the UNLV College Republicans. “President Obama’s record of failed economic policies has done nothing to help young people find jobs, and everything to create a ‘lost generation’ in America.”5
This is not the first time the UNLV College Republicans have called out President Obama for his affect on Las Vegas. Last summer, the group released a recruitment web ad which highlighted Obama’s comments urging businesses not to “blow a bunch of cash on Vegas.” The video mixed the president’s own words with images of boarded-up casinos and the city’s incomplete construction projects.
“The ‘Campaigner-in-Chief’ needs to put his ideological agenda aside and spend his last year in office actually working on behalf of all Americans,” continued McAllister. “The UNLV College Republicans will be working hard to ensure that the next time President Obama visits Las Vegas, it will be as a private citizen.”