(UNLV College Republicans) – Today, the UNLV College Republicans are calling on UNLV President Neal Smatresk to find ways to increase revenue that do not further burden students with higher costs. This comes on the heels of Smatresk’s annual State of the University address held yesterday at UNLV, where he called for an additional increase in tuition to raise up to $8.5 million per year in revenues. Tuition at UNLV was increased by 13% at the beginning of this school year, due to budget cuts.
“President Neal Smatresk claims to advocate for increased access to education, but it is clear that when money is at stake he is quick to throw students under the bus,” said Todd LaRochelle, Junior Vice President of the UNLVCRs. “Students at UNLV need to wake up and realize that professors and administrators are looking out for their own interests, in direct opposition to the interests of students.”
The UNLVCRs have been active all year in holding UNLV’s administration accountable for spending decisions. They have gone after high salaries, low workloads, and favorable contracts, as well as creating CSUN Watch to monitor UNLV’s student government. The group was the only student organization at UNLV to publicly refuse university funding, in the spirit of shared sacrifice, due to impending budget cuts.
“In the future, when elected officials, university officials, and student organizations work together to paint Republicans like Governor Sandoval as being anti-education,” continued LaRochelle, “they may want to look in the one place decisions like this are made – in President Smatresk’s office.”