(Debbie Landis/Action is Brewing) – VFW members nationwide were already up in arms about VFW PAC endorsing Senator Ma’am, Barbara Boxer. When Harry Reid announced he had been endorsed by the VFW, the world came crashing down on Veterans, their families, and VFW leadership across the Nation.
What many of us didn’t know is that VFW PAC is a different entity from the VFW entirely. Even veterans like me, a member of VFW Post 9211 in Reno, NV, didn’t know there was a bought and paid for endorsing entity, completely separate from the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization that does so much for veterans, families, and active duty alike, called the VFW PAC.
They have been forced to withdraw their endorsement of Senator Ma’am, Babs Boxer, and Harry Reid.
We hoped VFW endorsements of Babs “call me ma’am” Boxer and Harry “the war is lost” Reid weren’t true. They weren’t. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the letter John W. Stroud, candidate, National Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief, 2012, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States sent out on Saturday.
I just received a personal telephone call from VFW Commander-in-Chief, Richad Eubank. The Chief asked me to let all of the comrades in Nevada know the most recent action he has taken regarding the PAC endorsements. He has asked me to give this message the widest dissemination, so please forward this message on to any in your Nevada address book that you may not see here.
In light of Senator Reid’s misleading claim during the debate on Wednesday night that he had been endorsed by the VFW, the Chief wanted you to know this latest information:
The Commander-in-Chief, Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief, and Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief had requested the VFW Political Action Committe (PAC) to rescind their endorsements as they were not the voices of the VFW membership and the ramifications from these endorsements by the PAC were having a detrimental effect on our organization.
Unfortunately, the leaders of the PAC refused to honor the C-in-C request, and did not rescind the endorsements. Yesterday, Friday, October 15, the Commander-in-Chief revoked all of the appointments to the PAC. Effective immediately, the PAC is a memberless committee, whose fate will be decided at the National Convention in San Antonio, next August.
I urge each and every one of you reading this to send a brief message by email to info@vfw.org Get it on record that you support the decision of the Commander-in-Chief to put the voice of the members first and foremost. In the message, make sure that you note that you are from Nevada and that you appreciate him standing firm that the membership voice will be heard above that of a committee. THIS IS YOUR VFW!
We need to get this issue behind us so we can get back to the business of supporting our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, Veterans and their families, our communities and youth.