What to Expect at the Nevada Republican Party Central Committee Meeting

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NN&V Exclusive

(David Mansdoerfer) – Tomorrow, the Nevada Republican Central Committee will meet to vote on moving the caucus to February 4th and discuss same day registration. After a rough couple of weeks, the GOP is looking at moving back their caucus date to appease both the Republican National Committee and Republican Presidential candidates.

The Republican Party of New Hampshire, which has a state law that stipulates they hold their caucus a week before any other state (excluding Iowa), has called for each of the Republican Presidential candidates to boycott Nevada if the caucus is not moved.

In addition to New Hampshire calling for a boycott, Nevada is also facing having to lose half of its delegates. Florida, which started this whole mess, moved up its caucus in front of Nevada to try and make their caucus and primary more important. Nevada, in turn, moved its caucus up to keep its status as third in the nation.

The cost for moving up the caucus, however, was to lose half of its delegates to the national convention. Yet, as the delegates vote at the national is largely symbolic, Nevada was willing to lose its delegates as longs as they kept their third place status.

Now, though, with pressure from New Hampshire, and other top Republican officials, it is expected that the Central Committee will vote to move the caucus February 4th.

While this move might draw scorn from the left, it is likely to help the Nevada GOP’s standing among top Republican officials. Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, penned a letter to Amy Tarkanian, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party, stating, “if this happens, you will rightly be seen as having taken important action for the betterment of the Party, and I, as well as many other Republican leaders, will have a great sense of gratitude.”

Same day registration also looks to meet its end at tomorrow’s meeting. Woody Stroupe, Vice Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party stated, “Our leadership in the state and in Washington has heard your voice. The same day registration Issue is now off of the table. There will be no same day registration at the caucus. Also, at the Saturday NRCC meeting there will be a discussion and vote on the establishment of the presidential caucus date. Be proud of our party that the rank and file spoke up and was heard by our leaders. It is time to return our focus on defeating Obama and electing Republicans at every level.”

It looks like the Nevada Republican Party is set to move beyond a tough couple of weeks. The question now becomes – will we see increased campaign activity once the “boycott” is lifted?

(Mr. Mansdoerfer is the Director of Legislative Affairs for Citizen Outreach. He holds a Master’s degree in public policy with an emphasis in international relations and state & local policy from the Pepperdine School of Public Policy. You can follow him on Twitter at @DPMANSDOERFER)