(Mark Noonan) – On Thursday it was reported that in return for her support of Reid’s health care bill, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) would receive $100 million in taxpayer funds. These funds were to be used to buy the support of Louisianans who increasingly view Democrats – such as Landrieu – as part of the problem rather than the solution. If you thought that was lowest Reid could go, you thought wrong.
On Friday we learned that Sen. Landrieu is to host a fund raiser in New Orleans for none other than Nevada’s own Harry Reid. What does New Orleans have to do with Nevada? Why should Louisianans want to donate to Harry Reid? Because that is how things are done in modern, American politics – its all about money and power and it doesn’t matter what you do. The only test for our corrupt elites is whether the scam works, or not.
This is the sort of political back scratching which has sunk or nation in to recession and has made Americans increasingly disgusted with politics – and ever more concerned that there’s nothing we can do about it. How are we, the people, to fight against people who will so brazenly violate the public trust? Reid and Landrieu clearly believe that the money being exchanged will be sufficient for them to either sucker people in to voting for them or discourage people from opposing them.
Harry Reid long ago ceased being Nevada’s Senator. Reid is for Reid. Heck, the man is even trying to foist his son off on us as a gubernatorial candidate. Its not enough that the elder Reid has his hooks in us, he has to get his son on the public dime, too. What else is there in life other than political power and the wealth it brings? To a man like Reid, nothing.
In 2008, the American people voted for change. For whatever reasons – fair or not – the people had grown tired of the Republican party and its leadership. This is the nature of things in politics: success tends to breed ultimate failure as the hard-charger reformers of yesterday become the ossified defenders of the status quo today. Democrats said they would bring change – they said they would unite us; they would purge special interest corruption; they would bring fairness and openness to our political process. As we have seen, the Democrats have brought none of these things. In fact, the last thing people like Reid want is fairness or an end to special interest corruption – these are the thing which keep them going.
In 2010, the American people have another chance to make their voice heard – and regardless of what else happens, Harry Reid must be turned out of office. Without any animosity – and, in fact, with a sense of pity for a man who can get things so completely wrong – we must make Harry Reid the primary target. He represents all that is wrong with Nevada, with America and with our politics. The lesson must be learned – those in charge must be taught that they cannot – they dare not! – break faith with the people.