(“Average American”) – Hypocrite- Noun
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
It’s not my style to attack a person on their religious beliefs, so I am taking that part off the table. And in the new America one can no longer use “morality” as a measurement of a person since Liberalism has taught us that all morality is subjective.
This leaves me “principles, virtue, and one personally stated beliefs” to measure the man we in Nevada are forced to call Senator.
I don’t usually allow the other side of the aisle to pick the candidate I am going to root for and this time around it is no different. I picked Sue Lowden months ago as my favorite in the race for Nevada’s Senate seat in Washington, and Harry Reid just validated that I was, as usual, correct in my pick.
On Wednesday Harry attacked GOP hopeful Sue Lowden, but in typical Reid fashion, he hit below the belt. (Harry was a boxer you know) Instead of attacking Sue Lowden directly, he took a swipe at her family. Now as I recall, family is off limits. Well Harry, if you really want to set up the rules, then the least I can do is play by them.
Harry Reid attacked Paul Lowden, Sue’s husband for receiving a bonus last year, when some within the company lost their jobs. Well Harry I guess from where you sit it must be a comfortable position every few years when, in the dark of night, you vote yourself an increase in pay, regardless of how many Nevadans may have lost their job in recent months.
In the last three years under Harry Reid’s Senate leadership the unemployment rate in Nevada has tripled. The percentage of underemployed has skyrocketed to nearly 20% of the Nevada workforce, but Harry took his raise. In fact he not only took it, he in essence demanded t when he voted for it. Now if Harry Reid had any virtue of principles he might have acted as Paul Lowden has since 1996, by refusing to take an increase in pay.
While you and I have either lost our jobs or been working our hind ends off to keep what tenuous grips we may have on them, Harry’s voting record has forced us to surrender millions in earned income to the high taxes he continues to support.
The contrast in the life we lead and one Harry Reid lives is stark. While Harry lives at the Ritz in Washington, the Ritz in Lake Las Vegas announced it is closing in March placing more Nevadans out of work. While Harry enjoys a nice home here in Nevada many of ours have been foreclosed on. While Harry enjoys a job, many of us don’t have one anymore and many of those lost can be laid at the feet of our own Senior Senator.
Our children and grandchildren have been collared with so much debt while Harry has enjoyed the jet setter life at our expense. To top it off, Reid has the audacity to raise questions about how a private citizen, who along with his wife, has created thousands of jobs in Nevada, spends their personal finances? The audacity of a dope!
Let’s be honest folks, the other people running for the GOP are not bothering Reid one bit and that can be clearly derived from whom he is attacking. It’s a battle between Sue Lowden and Harry Reid and Reid just told you as much.
To attack a family member of your opponent is about as low as one can go. Sue scares Harry for a number of reasons but highest on his list is probably the bond the Lowden’s have with the community. They donate large sums of their income to charity and they have done something Harry could only hope to claim credit for, created jobs. And from what I have seen, their kids are smart well-rounded individuals who are proud of the family name.
The same cannot be said for Harry Reid’s own son, Rory Reid. Have you seen the signs for Rory’s Gubernatorial campaign? “Vote Rory”. Rory who?
Well Rory Reid of course…Not running on the name “Reid” in Nevada is akin to a Kennedy in Boston, a Reagan in California or dare I say it, a Bush in Texas of Florida not using their family name. Hell even Arnold made sure people knew he was connected, if only by marriage, to the Kennedy dynasty. If family is so important to the Reid clan don’t you think pride in the old man and his accomplishments as a US Senator might enter into the Governor’s race?
Oh wait, in order to run on your dad’s record of success he would almost be required to have one. A tripling of unemployment, the loss of thousands of jobs, running the Federal Government into so much Red Ink that it would take ever drop of Communist Red Ink in China just to write the number down, might not be the person whose name you want to be associated with.
Who would want to be associated with the man who didn’t even stand up for his home state’s biggest form of income, gaming, when the President not once but twice attacked the largest city in your state.
I have heard of name dropping but never of actually dropping one’s own name in order to try to win an election.
I really must say, Hypocrite fits Harry Reid like a well-tailored suit, And it should since this week he dropped $15 billion dollars for it to fit right. This on top of the $700 billion he spent early last years and the additional $770 billion he wants to drop to take over America’s Health Care industry. Yep, Hypocrite fit Reid just right.
How about voting yourself one final raise before you leave Washington, Harry. Something tells me you might need it to get by on from January of 2011 forward as you join your constituents on the unemployment line. Hey Rory, there is something “Dad” helped to create!
But what would I know; I’m just an Average American.