NN&V Exclusive
UPDATE: The House passed this resolution 253 – 167 with 13 abstentions. Amodei and Heck voted for, Berkeley against.
(Lori Piotrowski) – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is encouraging voters to call and write their Congressmen and women. In the House of Representatives this week, legislators will vote on H.R. 10, better known as the REINS Act, to “rein” in bureaucrats who have begun to legislate without power to do so.
According to the Small Business Association, in 2008, American businesses spent $1.75 trillion to comply with federal regulations. This figure is more than the combined total of individual and corporate income taxes paid.
H.R. 10’s purpose is to:
increase accountability for and transparency in the federal regulatory process. Section 1 of article I of the United States Constitution grants all legislative powers to Congress. Over time, Congress has excessively delegated its constitutional charge while failing to conduct appropriate oversight and retain accountability for the content of the laws it passes. By requiring a vote in Congress, the REINS Act will result in more carefully drafted and detailed legislation, an improved regulatory process, and a legislative branch that is truly accountable to the American people for the laws imposed upon them.
The REINS Act will work on behalf of American business owners by forcing Congress to do its job. For us non-legislative non-bureacrats, this means that agencies no longer have the final say as to which regulations are enforced. Every regulation that an agency wants to enact must first be voted on in the House and the Senate and then passed to the President for signing.
We the people elect our Congressional representatives to legislate, not bureaucrats appointed by the political flavor of the month. Read more about AFP’s actions and H.R. 10. Then let your representative know you expect them to work for you!
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