(Mark Noonan) – As I’m sure you’ll all agree, the issues of jobs and collapsed home values pale in comparison to the really crucial issue: how does Harry Reid feel about sex? Anjeanette Damon of the Reno Gazette-Journal lays this issue to rest:
“In one of the stranger moments on the campaign trail today, an audience member at Comma Coffee in Carson City asked U.S. Sen. Harry Reid what he is doing to encourage immigrant women of child-bearing age to come to the United States.
Reid began to launch into a serious answer on immigration and then paused.
‘Let me answer it this way: I’m not opposed to sex,’ he said to a few moments of silence before the crowd began laughing.”
Well, Harry, that is good to know. Glad to hear it. Makes our day to know you’re cool with sex. What we’d really like to know, however, is how you stand on screwing.
Are you in favor of or opposed to screwing Nevadans
…out of jobs at Yucca Mountain?
…out of our health care?
…out of our hard earned tax dollars?
…out of the future for our children and grandchildren?
We do need to get clear on this. Don’t get us wrong – we’re pleased to know you’re OK with sex (not so pleased with the brief mental image called forth by putting “Reid” and “sex” in the same sentence).
But we really want to know if we’re going to be screwed if you’re re-elected. For how long? In what manner? Will you send us flowers?
These are the questions we need answered, now that we’ve cleared up the whole, burning sex issue.