(Michele Fiore) – Today marks the halfway point of the 78th Nevada Legislature, and it was a lively week.
Tuesday we had a great day talking about our Nevada lands in the 3-hour hearing on Assembly Bill 408. This bill is the most supported bill on our legislative website, and for good reason. AB 408 prohibits the Federal Government from owning certain public lands or the right to use public waters.
Currently, the federal government owns 84% of Nevada’s land and has been enforcing taxes and fees as they see fit for nearly 150 years. I am so proud to be a primary sponsor on this bill, and I am ready to work hard to defend this bill and stand up for the rights of all Nevadans.
The findings show that this bill is supported, and that not only can we afford to manage our own lands, but we stand to make a substantial amount of money by doing so. Simply put, we need to get our land back in the hands of the people where it belongs. We have a right to regulate our public lands, water rights, and mineral resources.
I’m not afraid to stand up for what is right, and the next 60 days will be no different. We're working on many bills to protect your rights. One of the other bills I'm working on will give terminally ill patients the “right to try” medical procedures that aren't FDA approved. This concept is receiving bipartisan support, and I'm excited to work with Assemblyman James Ohrenschall on his Assembly Bill 164 to accomplish this.
We were also visited this week by Nevada Attorney Adam Laxalt. We had an awesome conversation about all of the great work he has been doing as Attorney General to protect the rights of Nevadans.
I also want to say that I'm thankful to have a great team with me. It's a lot of work to stay on top of the more than 1,000 bills we're hearing. In one of our late nights working on bills, my policy director, Dan Burdish, took a break on the bongo board.
Assemblywoman Michele Fiore represents Clark County Assembly District 4 (Las Vegas) and was reelected to her 2nd term in 2014. Michele has lived in Nevada since 1993. For more information about her, please visit www.VoteFiore.com.