(Las Vegas, NV) – Citizen Outreach Foundation (COF) announced today that John Fund will be a speaker at the 4th Annual Conservative Leadership Conference in Las Vegas on July 9-10.
Fund is a member of the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal, where he previously served as deputy editorial features editor. His articles have appeared in such publication as Esquire, the Reader’s; Digest, the Republic and National Review.
Mr. Fund worked in the California State Legislature as a research analyst before becoming the chief investigative reporter for syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak in 1982.
His editorials on House Speaker Jim Wright and Republican Savings and Loan regulator M. Danny Wall are widely credited with contributing to their resignations from government. He wrote the first editorials on the “Keating Five,” and is credited with having coined that term.
In his book “The Ambition and the Power: The Fall of Jim Wright,” writer John Barry quotes Jim Wright as telling his Democratic colleagues: “No one paid any attention (to the charges against me) until last week and The Wall Street Journal editorial.”
His editorials on the House’s secret discharge petition process directly led to the repeal of that practice. Roll Call, the newspaper of Capitol Hill, has called Mr. Fund the “Tom Paine of the modern Congressional reform movement.” Mr. Fund’s editorials on Whitewater, medical savings accounts and education have been noted as being among the most influential in the country by such figures as former Education Secretary Bill Bennett, scholar Abigail Thernstrom and former HCFA administrator Gail Wilensky.
In 1993, Mr. Fund was the recipient of the Warren Brookes Award for Journalistic Excellence from the American Legislative Exchange Council, which represents over one-third of the nation’s state legislators. He is the co-author, with James K. Coyne, of a book on term limits entitled “Cleaning House: America’s Campaign for Term Limits.” He also was Rush Limbaugh’s collaborator on his best-selling book “The Way Things Ought to Be,” which sold 3.5 million copies.