AFL-CIO Boss Trumka Visits Nevada To Bail Out Reid

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(NN&V Staff) – Senator Harry Reid has stood with union bosses instead of Nevada small businesses throughout this economic downturn, and today, he will literally stand with them again in Reno.

Reid and Richard Trumka, head of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) will attend a joint rally pushing the union boss' agenda as the Senate candidate is desperately reliant on Big Labor's campaign cash.

Lost from this event later today are the more than 200,000 unemployed Nevadans who are looking for work. None of whom would be helped by Trumka's number one legislative priority, the Employee ‘Forced' Choice Act (EFCA).

EFCA is a piece of legislation Senator Reid has advocated for and supported in the U.S. Senate, which would take away the secret ballot in union-organizing elections, impose mandatory, binding arbitration and result in 600,000 lost jobs in one year alone. Yet, despite the worst economic downturn in a generation and Nevada having the highest unemployment in the nation, Reid has decided to stand with union bosses and thumb his nose at struggling small businesses.

Trumka has said publicly on multiple occasions in recent weeks that EFCA will be coming before the Congress by the end of the year, but he has refused to elaborate. Reid has also refused to discuss his plans in relation to EFCA and whether it is being considered as part of any lame duck agenda. He recognizes the incredible opposition to the job-killing legislation among Nevadans.

“Senator Reid's decision to stand with union bosses instead of Nevada entrepreneurs, small businesses and workers is unconscionable,” said McKay Daniels, state director of the Alliance to Protect Nevada Jobs (APNJ). “How many jobs is Senator Reid willing to give up in exchange for campaign help? If 200,000 unemployed workers aren't enough to get him to drop his anti-small business and anti-worker agenda, then what would the number be?”

(The Alliance to Protect Nevada Jobs (APNJ) is an organization committed to protecting jobs in Nevada and standing up for the small businesses and workers in the state who grow the economy and create opportunities.
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