Blazing Saddles, Animal House, Saturday Night Live, Innocence of Muslims. What’s The Difference?

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(Fred Weinberg/The Penny Press) – We here in the most flown over of flyover country can’t claim to be experts in foreign affairs.

What could we, protected by the Sierra Nevada Mountains on one side and the Rockies on the other, know about the Middle East?

But we do know something about actions and consequences.

And we do know that if you make yourself a soft target, someone whose agenda is different from yours will eventually take advantage.

Our uneducated guess is that is exactly what happened to our late Ambassador, Chris Stevens, last week in Benghazi Libya.

The White House, the State Department and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have their collective knickers in a twist about a trailer on YouTube of a film entitled Innocence of Muslims. In fact, the President’s Press Secretary, Jay Carney, has blamed just about everything bad in the Middle East on this film.

While the creator of the film is no Mel Brooks or John Landis the piece borrows very heavily from both Blazing Saddles and Animal House. It’s a low rent send up of Muhammad and the history of Islam and if they were to add a sound track of Louie Louie and cut it for time, it could easily be an opening skit for Saturday Night Live.

This film features a group of folks who are truly the not ready for prime time players.

If that is all it takes to have radical Islamist morons storm U.S. Embassies, then I cannot wait to see what happens if they re-release Blazing Saddles.

How about we take a new approach to all of this?

How about a new policy? If you kill our Ambassador to Libya, we’ll hunt you down just like we hunted down bin Laden and we WILL spike the football. Because that’s all these people understand.

How about we make it clear to the rest of the world—particularly radical Islamists or anybody else inclined towards violence against us—that we really don’t care about your sensibilities as they relate to our mass media. That just as Mel Brooks, National Lampoon and Saturday Night Live are free to make fun of whatever or whoever they want, so are low rent film makers whose work appears on YouTube. And that, further, the United States Government APPLAUDS Google for refusing to take this piece off of YouTube. Because we do have a legal right to free speech in the United States.

And, finally, how about we stop giving away billions of dollars to people who use that money to further anti-United States interests?

The truth is that this all happened not because of an obscure piece of film on YouTube.

It happened on the 11th anniversary of 9-11.

And if the folks in the White House and the State Department are not smart enough to figure that out, then they’re not smart enough to be where they are. It would appear that of 300,000,000 Americans, the only people who have not figured it out are the folks in the White House, the State Department and several reporters who cover the Romney campaign.

Until we make it abundantly clear that this sort of behavior as it relates to us and our interests is simply unacceptable it will continue.

If they want to kill each other, they should have at it. That’s actually the Islamist version of the NFL.

But one mussed up hair on the head of a single citizen of the United States should call for a reaction which leaves the unmistakable impression that we are the strongest nation on the face of the Earth and we value our citizens above anyone or anything else.

It won’t happen under this President for a multitude of reasons.

That is reason enough to replace him on November 6.