Carrie Buck and Zoom Platoon Ordered to “Cease & Desist”

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(Chuck Muth) – The rogue gaggle of Clark County Republicans known derisively as the “Zoom Platoon” – which has refused to accept the election of Jesse Law as chairman of the local GOP party organization and is currently being misled by Nevada State “Senateperson” Carrie Buck – took another one in the shorts this week. A blistering “cease and desist” letter from Republican National Committee (RNC) Chief Counsel Justin Riemer demands that Buck and the Zoom Platoon stop using the party’s trademarked elephant logo and “GOP” mark. It goes on to note that such use is “falsely representing to potential donors and the public generally that it is formally affiliated with the Republican Party.” “Your organization is not affiliated with either the RNC or the Nevada Republican Party,” Riemer continues, “and it has no right to use the RNC’s trademarks or other intellectual property whatsoever.” More…      “It is unacceptable and unlawful for your organization to falsely hold itself out as the official Republican county party for Clark County, particularly while soliciting contributions on your website.       “The simple fact is that your organization is not the recognized body of the Republican Party in Clark County, as the Nevada Republican Party does not recognize you as such.       “We are informed that the Nevada Republican Party has already issued press releases affirming that the only chartered central committee in Clark County is the organization chaired by Jesse Law.” The letter concludes with a demand that Buck & the Zoom Platoon stop “making any representation whatsoever that it is an official county party, or that it otherwise is in any way affiliated with, endorsed or approved by, or otherwise acting on behalf of the RNC or the Republican Party generally.” I mean, it doesn’t get any clearer than that. Buck and the Zoom Platoon lost the election this past summer.  They’ve since lost multiple court challenges.  The Nevada GOP has refused to recognize them.  And now these election-deniers have been ordered by the official national GOP organization to stand down and give up the ghost. In a text response to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Buck reportedly wrote…      “I just hope one day they’ll finally realize that dividing the Party isn’t a winning strategy to turning Nevada red.” Physician, heal thyself. As Quintas said in The Gladiator, “People should know when they’re conquered.” COVIDiocy Excellent letter-to-the-editor by Roger Maly Henderson in today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal…      “The Saturday Review-Journal front page proclaims record COVID cases for Nevada — proof that the mandatory mask mandate is not effective against the spread.      “I think it is time to make the masks voluntary so the people who feel more secure with them are free to wear them and the rest are just free from the masks.      “Only seven other states – including California, Oregon and New York, all run by liberal governors and legislatures – mandate masks. Let’s be like the other 42.” What he said. Added LVRJ columnist Victor Joecks      “As it becomes obvious that the coronavirus won’t disappear, there needs to be less focus on raw case counts. It’s plausible Nevada will see summer and winter surges for years to come, as peaks seem to be seasonal. But unless there’s a dramatic spike in hospitalizations and deaths, that’s not a public emergency. …      “Finally, Gov. Steve Sisolak needs to acknowledge that most masks are the pandemic equivalent of security theater. That’s been obvious for almost two years, but even liberal commenters, such as CNN’s Leana Wen, are being more vocal about it.” What he said. Three Cheers for Tony Lane Yesterday, conservative GOP firebrand Assemblywoman Annie Black (disclaimer: a former client) announced she was running for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District.  She’s a fighter and battle-tested on the campaign trail.  Clearly the best chance Republicans have of taking this seat from incumbent Democrat Steven Horsford. Following the announcement, Tony Lane, a fellow Republican who had already announced his candidacy for the seat, withdrew from the race and threw his support behind Annie. The other announced GOP candidates in the race – Sam PetersJessie Vargas and Chance Bonaventura – should do the same.  There are plenty of other seats available.  Lord knows we need more good Republicans running for the Legislature! Thank you, Tony.  Your selfless act in the best interest of the Republican Party won’t be forgotten.  Your political future is bright.  7 Worst Habits of Highly Unelectable People

  1. Picking the wrong race
  2. Picking the wrong district
  3. Picking the wrong issues
  4. Picking the wrong time
  5. Picking the wrong consultants
  6. Picking unnecessary fights with the media
  7. Picking door-knocking over fundraising

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  • The 20 Questions Every Candidate Better Be Able to Answer Before Talking to Voters, Donors or Reporters
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Next Boot Camp:Saturday, January 15, 2022Las Vegas, Nevada Click here for more information FAMOUS LAST WORDS “It’s incredible to me to listen to this White House and how inept they are at literally everything. They left me a voicemail on my phone. A senior advisor in the White House asking me if I needed any help in my home state of Montana. So they don’t even know what state I’m the governor of!” – SOUTH DAKOTA Gov. Kristi Noem, 1/4/22 “Only 26% of Americans approve of Biden's response to the Wuhan Virus. I'd assume they polled the Biden White House exclusively to get a number that high.” – Nevada GOP congressional candidate Carolina Serrano “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but the fact that *they* keep coming out with more boosters means that *they* know the vax doesn’t work.” – Jordan Rachel “Americans went from being an amazing industrious nation to being fired for not getting a vaccine. The corrupt leadership in this country AND Nevada is wiping out the middle class and making them rely on gov’t subsidies. They’re killing the American dream.” – Nevada GOP attorney general candidate Sigal Chattah “When we take the House back in the 118th, first and foremost, we are going to be focused on accountability, people need to go to jail. I’m talking about the Hillary Clintons of the world, I’m talking about the Eric Holders, I’m talking about all these people who have continued to cause strife and division, break the law, subvert the Rule of Law, and they have never been held accountable.” – Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) “Let’s go Brandon. I agree!” – President Joe Biden, 12/24/21