Clark County GOP Elects New Board

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(Clark County Republican Party) – Las Vegas, Nevada– July 20, 2011 – Last evening, July 19, more than 300 members of the Clark County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) gathered at the Silverton Lodge Casino to elect a new executive board. Welcomed to the podium to introduce the new board and conclude the meeting was newly elected Chairman David Gibbs, who has served on the executive board since 2006. Joining him on the stage were Vice Chairman Woody Stroupe, Secretary Cindy Lake, Coalition Director Mitchell Cain, Political Director Tim Williams, Commission District A Representative Stacey Barrack, and Commission District D Representative Wesley Cornwell. Earlier in the evening, Linda Bronstein and Michael Spence, who ran in uncontested races, were unanimously voted in as treasurer and precinct administrator respectively. The new board will serve a two-year term.

Eddie Facey, who ran against Gibbs, extended his best wishes: “I want to congratulate Dave Gibbs on his election as chairman of the CCRP, and I look forward to the successful growth and elective accomplishments of the party.”

Three of the new board members are members of the UNLV College Republicans. Last year, Barrack, Cain, and Cornwell were instrumental in growing that organization and keeping students informed of political and economic decisions that directly affected the student body.

Commenting on his election, Gibbs thanked the voters for their confidence in his ability to lead the party for the next two years: “I look forward to working with the great team we elected tonight. With the 2012 elections ahead, we have a lot of work to do to get out our message, build support for those who will be running for office next year, and bring Nevada in as a Red state in 2012.”

The meeting kicked off with candidate for Congress from CD2 Mark Amodei leading the Pledge of Allegiance and delivering a brief message for the attendees. Amodei thanked Clark County for its strong support of party unity during the special meeting held in Sparks last month, where he was selected as the Republican nominee for CD2. He emphasized the need to continue that support throughout the campaign, saying, “I’ll be down here with you knocking on doors. If you need any signs, I’ll drive them down!”

While votes were being counted, the CCRCC heard from Alex Garza, vice president of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce and president of the Hispanic Realtors Association. A native of Alamo, NV, Garza described his upbringing in a small town as typically American, emphasizing how much Hispanics have in common with Republican ideals.

“We want the same things,” he said. “If you talk to any Hispanic who hasn’t yet been indoctrinated by Democrats, you’ll find that we’re for limited government, lower taxes. We’re entrepreneurs, we’re fiscally conservative, and we believe in personal accountability.”

Gibbs concluded the meeting with a call to arms: “We’re going to take on Titus; we’re going to take on Oceguera; and right now, we’re going to take on Kate Marshall. It starts tonight!”