(Lori Piotrowski) – In an e-mail sent to interested parties, the Clark County Board of Commissioners announced its intent to reveal final redistricting maps for the county.
The Clark County Board of Commissioners will receive a report and have the opportunity to introduce an ordinance concerning redistricting at the upcoming August 2, 2011 Board of County Commissioners meeting. The agenda for these two items can be found at the following link: http://agenda.co.clark.nv.us/sirepub/pubmtgframe.aspx?meetid=738&doctype=agenda.
The redistricting ordinance includes three possible redistricting plans, labeled Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. These plans, as well as the statistical analysis for each, can be found on the county's redistricting website at the following link: http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/depts/admin_services/paas/Pages/Redistricting.aspx. In addition, this website also contains maps of current commission districts and precinct-level election and census data.
As always, any comments on the redistricting plans or process can be sent to redistricting@ClarkCountyNV.gov. In addition, there will be ample time provided for public comment in person at the August 2, 2011 Board of County Commission meeting. At that time, the Board may choose to set a date for a public hearing for the redistricting ordinance, which will include additional opportunity for public comment. Beginning Thursday, July 28, and continuing through Tuesday, August 16, maps of Plans A, B, and C will be posted in the rotunda of theClarkCountyGovernmentCenter located at500 South Grand Central Parkway. A comment box with comment cards will also be made available for those who wish to view the maps and provide comment.
Thank you for your interest in Clark County redistricting. Should you have any comments or concerns, please send them to redistricting@ClarkCountyNV.gov.
Of interest is the commissioners’ willingness to reduce public input. Note that the day and time of the meeting occur during working hours, which limits the number of people who can attend. If they really wanted input, it stands to reason that they would hold the meetings at a more convenient time.
Also of note is that there is now a Plan C on the table. Nothing new here to report; the maps still eliminate Republican majorities in two districts, leaving all seven districts a Democrat majority.
If you think that a level playing field is only fair, you may want to consider attending the meeting on August 2 (Tuesday) and registering your views with the commissioners. Their decision will hold for 10 years.