Election integrity is critical to protecting this nation from turning socialist which is only a stepping stone away from communism. Without election integrity, our democracy is in danger. That’s why we must do everything we can to ensure that our elections are free and fair.
There are many ways to protect election integrity, but one of the most important is to make sure that everyone who is eligible to vote is able to do so.
Secondly, we must verify the identity of everyone who votes. This can be done through voter ID laws and other measures.
Third, we must make sure that only eligible voters are registered to vote. This means keeping accurate lists of who is eligible to vote and removing those who are no longer eligible.
Fourth, we must ensure that votes are counted accurately. This means having secure ballot boxes and counting machines, as well as having procedures in place to recount votes if necessary.
Fifth, we must go back to paper ballots. This would make it much harder to rig elections, as paper ballots can be easily audited. Nye County and six other rural and Republican-leaning counties in Nevada considered returning to paper ballots and hand counts following the 2020 election. Mark Kampf was appointed by the Nye County Commission to temporarily fill the position of County Clerk when Sandra “Sam” Merlino resigned because of the vote to move to paper ballots.
Finally, we must make sure that the process for electing our leaders is fair. This means making sure that all voices are heard and that everyone has an equal say in the outcome of the election.
Voter fraud happens in every election in this nation. With these measures in place, we can make sure that our elections are truly representative of what our Founding Fathers envisioned.