Fast & Fioreous + Further Misadventures of Li’l Bill McCurdy

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(Chuck Muth) – Some GOP grassroots activists have taken to referring to Clark County Republican Party Chairman David Sajdak as “Barney Rubble.”  And that’s just not right.

He’s more like Barney Fife.

Like the loveable but inept deputy on the old Andy Griffith show, Sajdak continues to bumble and fumble his way through managing the local political operation, obsessed more with doing battle with state party Chairman Michael McDonald than his Democrat opposition.

In addition to stupidly supporting all-mail elections – claiming they REDUCE the chances for fraud and HELP Republicans – Chairman Barney decided last weekend to try derailing the re-election of Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore, a McDonald ally, to her post as the state’s Republican National Committeewoman.

Fiore spoke at the Clark GOP’s convention on Saturday and argued against affirmative action.  As part of her remarks, the committeewoman used the word “ass.”

Sajdak grabbed his heart Fred Sanford-like, clutched his peals and got a bad case the vapors.

Even though he admits he wasn’t paying attention to the speech and has been unable to say exactly what Fiore said, Sajdak took it upon himself to issue a letter “rebuking” her for “racially charged remarks” the following day.

For the record, the letter was NOT a rebuke by the party.  It was a rebuke by the weak-kneed GOP boss.  In order for the party to issue such a rebuke or censure, the party members must vote on it.  That didn’t happen.

For her part, Fiore called Sajdak “a pandering idiot” – which is putting it mildly, especially coming from the brash and outspoken National Committeewoman.

Nor is this the first time she’s used the word “ass” in public.

Remember back in 2015 when, on the floor of the Legislature, she told soon-to-be former Assemblyman Chris “The Weasel” Edwards to “sit your ass down”?  That was a classic!

In any event, Sajdak admitted yesterday that his media stunt was part of an effort to dethrone Fiore from her party leadership position.

Dana Gentry of the Nevada Current confirmed yesterday that “the Clark County organization said it is contemplating an attempt to oust Fiore as National Committeewoman at the state convention this weekend.”

“She can’t be the face of the Republican Party as the national committeewoman after these statements,” Chairman Barney told Gentry.

So his letter of “rebuke” over alleged “racially charged remarks” is really nothing but a ham-handed political hit.

Niger Innis, a well-known and highly-respected black conservative activist and the convention’s keynote speaker, acknowledged that Fiore’s language in voicing opposition to affirmative action was “sloppy.”

“But was it racist?” he said to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.  “Hell, no.”

Sajdak foolishly created a media circus where there was none with his unapproved rebuke letter.  Shot himself, and the party, in the foot.  Barney Fife would be proud.

Further Misadventures of Li'l Bill McCurdy

Two days later and Clark County STILL hasn’t counted half the ballots they’d already received on or before Election Day.  Ridiculous.

For the record, the Clark County Election Department is run by the Clark County Commission which is controlled by Clark County Democrats.

Meanwhile, Nevada Democrat Party Chairman William “Li’l Bill” McCurdy II, a professional race-hustler, is trying to blame the Nevada Secretary of State for the foul-ups in Clark County.

That’s absurd.  The SoS doesn’t run election-day operations.  Local election officials run election-day operations.

Fact is, it was the all-Democrat county commission that screwed the pooch by ordering its Registrar of Voters to mail ballots to “inactive” voters and securing polling locations that weren’t large enough to handle the influx of election day voters.

I can tell you one thing: If Deputy Secretary of State Wayne Thorley actually WAS in charge of running election day operations in Clark County, NONE of this would have happened.  Mr. Thorley may be the most competent government official in the entire state.

But back to Li’l Bill…

The Las Vegas Sun published an op-ed, likely ghost-written for the little race-hustler, this morning.

In it Li’l Bill blames President Trump for supposedly leaving “black communities to bear the brunt of a public health catastrophe and a cratering economy.”

He went on the say that Trump was “hurting black Nevadans” and “black families” who are suffering “daily anxiety over how to pay the rent and keep food on the table.”

First, it wasn’t President Trump who shut down Nevada and put everyone out of work.  It was Li’l Bill’s Democrat governor who caused all this unnecessary pain with the #SisolakShutdown.

Secondly, none of this is a “black” thing.  White families are suffering the same.  But race-hustlers never let an opportunity to race hustle slide by.

It’s Li’l Bill who’s the real racist.

Drive-By Muthings

* South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem wrote today…

     “A blind reliance on insufficient modeling has led some politicians to institute disastrous lockdowns that have jeopardized their people's health and welfare, while creating conditions for a financial catastrophe that will cause untold burdens and costs on their people.”

Sounds like she’s talking about Nevada Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak.

* These people trying to shame others into wearing face diapers have become cult-like.  Call ‘em “Branch Covidians.”

* If it’s safe to riot and loot and shoot police officers in person, why isn’t it safe to vote in person?

* NASCAR has banned the Confederate flag at its races while permitting a “Black Lives Matter” car.  Yeah, that’ll certainly tamp down racial tensions.


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