Harry Reid vs. Harry Reid on Health Insurance

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(Mike Chamberlain/The Cranky Hermit) – The Las Vegas Sun had a predictably hyperbolic reaction to the budget proposal offered by Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan. It follows the Sun‘s pattern of mouthing support for the concept of spending cuts but screeching loudly whenever actual spending cuts are proposed. At least they avoided using the word “draconian.”

The most interesting part was this paragraph.

The Republican talking point is that seniors would have the same options for health insurance as members of Congress. That sounds great — if you’re a member of Congress making $174,000 a year — but to a senior living on a fixed income, it’s terrible.

Interesting because the Sun's editorial board pretty reliably parrots the talking points of the DNC, Nevada Democratic party, and Harry Reid's office/campaign. In fact, Reid's office posted this editorial on its “News” page, including the paragraph quoted above.

While now Reid's office and the Sun mock Ryan for suggesting regular Americans would have the same health care options as members of Congress, Harry Reid's Senate re-election campaign website bragged that one of the most attractive features of ObamaCare was that it was going to do that very thing!

In 2014, the Affordable Care Act ensures a competitive insurance marketplace where millions of Americans and small businesses will be able to purchase affordable coverage, and have the same choices of insurance that members of Congress will have.

The same health care options as Congress – good enough for you during the campaign but too expensive when offered by a Republican! Or maybe the Reid campaign was talking about those millions of Americans making $174k+ per year who couldn't find affordable coverage. ObamaCare – offering affordable coverage for everyone making $174,000 or more per year!

Of course, when attacking a Republican there's no reason to let the truth or consistency stand in the way.