Heck Enters Congressional Race

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Emergency room physician Dr. Joe Heck announced yesterday the official end of his GOP gubernatorial bid and the start of his campaign to represent Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. That seat is currently held by Democrat Rep. Dina Titus.

“I am increasingly alarmed at the Democratic policies coming out of Washington D.C. and the direction our country is heading,” Heck said in a written press release announcing the decision. “We must take action now to put our country back on a responsible track and I’m running for Congress to end the out-of-control deficit spending and government-takeover policies that are literally bankrupting this nation’s economy and future.”

Heck add that “the Nancy Pelosi policies my opponent has supported in Congress are flawed, ill-advised and ineffective. Unemployment is at record high levels and still climbing eight months after passing the Democrats’ stimulus package. These politicians passed a spending plan, calling it ‘stimulus,’ but have mortgaged Nevada’s future as a result. It’s outrageous. We need jobs today, not 18 months from now.”

Heck, a colonel in the Army Reserves who has served tours in Bosnia and Iraq, noted that he brings “real world experience necessary to be an effective, commonsense leader in Congress” while his opponent, a former college profession and professional politician has “only taught them or looked at them from a government committee.”

“I’ve created jobs,” Heck continued, “while my opponent’s only regulated them. I’ve met a payroll and a budget while my opponent’s solution has been to raise taxes and increase deficit spending. There are dramatic contrasts between me and Dina Titus and I look forward to this campaign and presenting my vision for a better Nevada to the voters of this great state.”

Within seconds of the announcement on Alan Stock’s KXNT radio talk-show yesterday morning, the Titus campaign was in full panic mode.

“As had been rumored for several days, Republican Joe Heck has announced that he will be quitting his Gubernatorial campaign to run against me,” Titus said in a press release. “The national Republicans have found their man and they are well prepared to raise millions of dollars to help him take us down. With just weeks remaining until the start of the next election year, I must humbly ask you to join me in sending a clear message to the Republicans that Nevada’s Third Congressional District is not up for grabs!”

How? “By contributing $5, $25, $100, or more today,” the release implored.

So Titus’s seat isn’t up for grabs, but it is for sale?

Heck must still get passed a GOP primary next June before taking on Titus. A pair of lesser known candidates have announced their campaigns for this seat, as well, and some people are actively trying to recruit former Henderson city councilman Jack Clark into the race. But the Titus camp clearly sees Heck as the biggest threat to the freshman Democrat.

Game on.