Upon learning that Citizen Outreach Foundation had launched a new, independent news bureau in Nevada, including comprehensive statehouse coverage, the Nevada Democrat Party’s communications machinery went into the spin of death.
“Today conservative blogger and former Nevada Republican Party executive director Chuck Muth announced the creation of the Nevada News Bureau, a new outlet for his right-wing screeds,” bleated Phoebe Sweet, the party’s Communications Czar. “Muth – whose political leanings are so far to the right he changed his Republican party registration because the GOP wasn’t conservative enough for him – has formed a fake news organization to report on Nevada politics.”
Sweet Polly Purebread went on to claim that the Nevada News Bureau couldn’t possibly produce impartial news stories because the bureau’s leadership “will consist of Muth, a man who made his political career with the Nevada Republican Party, and Elizabeth Crum, herself a conservative blogger and contributor to Muth project Citizen Outreach.”
Curiously but not surprisingly, Polly Purebread neglected to mention that the reporter and bureau chief hired to cover Carson City for the Nevada News Bureau is Sean Whaley, a 20-year veteran reporter with impeccable and unquestioned credentials. But why let facts get in the way of a shrill partisan call to arms, right?
“Nevadans should see this ‘news bureau’ for what it really is: an attempt to cloak (Muth’s) partisan invectives in some kind of legitimacy to further his political agenda,” Sweet Polly Purebread sweetly whined. “Coming from the mouthpiece behind the rudderless ship otherwise known as the Nevada GOP, these claims of impartiality just don’t hold water.”
As we all know, you can’t count on Democrats such Phoebe Sweet to keep a watchdog eye on the government. Fortunately for Nevada, Elizabeth Crum and Sean Whaley are now on the job.