IAP Wraps Up Convention, Names U.S. Senate Candidate

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(Stephanie Pace/Inferno Media Group) – Unbeknown to many residents of the Las Vegas Valley, Friday February 26 through Saturday February 27th, the Nevada State Convention for the Independent American Party was held at Red Lion Inn, in the quiet gold mining town of Elko, Nevada.

Unless one is so politically fired up they are following every single candidate in Nevada, they might not have a clue this State Convention took place. But make no assumptions, the State Convention for the Independent American Party (IAP) was not a minor event. The Convention's main purpose was to pick delegates and announce federal candidates who will be backed by the Independent American Party in Nevada. The IAP is an arm of the rapidly growing Independent Party.

All weekend there were famous guest speakers and think tank policy discussions about issues most critical to both Nevada and the United States. At a time when many democratic and republican voters are fed up with partisan “dysfunctional” politics, the candidates of any Independent party have a better shot now, than ever.

The main events of the convention were the forming of the delegates and political platforms for the Independent American Party and the announcement of the IAP backed federal candidate Tim Fasano for US Senate. There was also a guest book signing and speech from New York Times best selling author Dr. Jerome Corsi, PH.D from Harvard about his books America for Sale and Obama Nation.

The Platform Committee was spearheaded by the IAP federal candidate Tim Fasano from Fernley Nevada, a suburban area outside Reno. Mr. Fasano kept the Platform Committee focused on open-minded, yet determined paths to solutions. Mr. Fasano proposed to renegotiate the United States commitments in GATT, NAFTA and WTO unless American jobs, interests and Gross Domestic Product are better protected. He proposed imposing term limits for the United States House of Representatives.

Tim Fasano and his supporters said Americans just can't afford to keep sending jobs overseas. Mr. Fasano understands this first hand, as he was forced to lay off employees and close his construction company in Fernley when the Nevada economy kept plunging. Tim said laying off employees broke his heart, but awakened him to a calling to serve this great state and its residents.

The Independent American Party chose to support Tim Fasano because they know him as an honest businessman and not a career politician. If you go on his website www.Fasano2010.com you will see he said he would refuse to serve more than two limits if elected. Tim has much to say about the economy, immigration and federal spending.

Currently in Nevada there are over 58,000 registered independent voters; thousands are members of the Independent American Party.

Tim Fasano is the federal candidate the IAP chose for US Senate in 2010 because, according to Wes McWethy, Tim's Campaign Finance Director, “We wanted a candidate who is not tainted with special interests or a long history of holding political office.

“We believe there is an image problem in Nevada, among other things, that has caused the rest of country to see us as ‘What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas,’ and that's it,” McWethy continued. “Our economy has been so dependent on gaming revenue that when we have a depression, we can't pick ourselves up.

“For decades now, we should have been promoted as a state of natural mountainous beauty, national parks and a great place to locate non-gaming corporations, national solar energy research companies and tech savvy manufacturing companies. But thanks to our current leaders, if you ask 500 random people in any state other than Nevada if they know there is a law school in Las Vegas, 499 will tell you, ‘No way'. Our leaders have not addressed this image issue and it confounds other issues.”

Mr. McWethy is a life long member of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Mr. Fasano's son Tony Fasano is a United States Marine and Mr. Fasano's wife of 32 years, Becky, manufactures blankets for Betsy's Blankets, which are sent overseas to soldiers. Mr. Fasano and his wife are known for being the neighbor you can go to in, so when Tim declared an interest in candidacy, former employees and friends rallied around him.

Other candidates included Attorney John Hansen from Las Vegas who serves as the treasurer and legal counsel to the Independent American Party. He is running for State Attorney General.

For more information on the Nevada arm of the Independent American Party and their new federal and state candidates go to www.iapn.org