em>(Victor Joecks, Las Vegas Review-Journal) – The people who are out to hurt Adam Laxalt’s political career were changing their story long before we knew what the Republican attorney general said in a secretly recorded conversation.
That’s what political operatives do when the truth comes out and it’s not on their side.
But now that the details of the conversation finally have been made public — now that we know the story liberals wanted to be true obviously isn’t — the narrative is shifting faster than desert sands in a windstorm. It’s a dead giveaway that Laxalt’s opponents are interested solely in scoring political points and creating content for attack ads in the 2018 election cycle.
The Assembly Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday posted the transcript of Gaming Control Board Chairman A.G. Burnett’s recording of a March 25, 2016, conversation with Laxalt. The transcript undermines every version of the tale that this is Nevada’s political scandal of the year.
First, liberals told us that Laxalt was pushing Burnett for unprecedented GCB intervention into a private-party lawsuit where one party was a licensee, especially since the case was only at the District Court level. The attorney general’s office is GCB’s legal counsel.