(Chuck Muth) – Robert Holloway, a card-carrying Paultard purportedly representing a tiny group of paranoid tinfoil hat wearing fellow malcontents, announced today the formation of a Political Action Committee to oppose the candidacy of Sue Lowden for the United States Senate. According to Hollow-Head Holloway, the reason the PAC is being formed centers solely on the Nevada GOP state convention in 2008.
“Sue Lowden betrayed the trust of hundreds of delegates to the state Republican Convention in April of last year,” Hollow-Head explains. “She did so by abruptly halting the convention without the approval of the convention delegates and in the middle of vote counting.”
Actually, Lowden didn’t halt the convention; the convention chairman did. But Hollow-Head is not about to let facts get in the way of a Master Conspiracy Theory centering on his obsession with a meaningless convention long over.
“The election was halted so suddenly,” Hollow-Head continues, “that one ballot box was carried away before the counting was completed. No explanation of the results for that ballot box has ever been made. It simply disappeared as if it had never existed.”
Bob, Bob, Bob. As I have explained before, that box was picked up by former Vice President Dick Cheney and spirited off in a black helicopter to an undisclosed location in West Virginia. Get over it.
Hollow-Head’s concluded his rant thusly: “Sue Lowden’s leading role in improperly halting the delegate election disqualifies her for any position of trust in government. She apparently has little respect for one of the most important institutions in American government, that of fair elections. Our group hopes to raise awareness of the dismal record of Sue Lowden and to oppose her election to the Senate.