The 15-Year-Old Girl and the Soccer Coach

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(Chuck Muth) – OK, so the story last week was that a 40-year-old soccer coach was arrested for having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl who was a player on his team. The pair were found parked in the coach’s vehicle in a Las Vegas sports park, though apparently not caught in the act of doing anything.

My first question: Why did they arrest the guy?

I mean, why didn’t they tar and feather this low-life pervert and beat the living crap out of him instead. And THEN arrest him?

But other serious and important questions have been raised by this incident.

For example, we learned that the age of consent in Nevada to have sex with your soccer coach is 16. And yet, it would be against the law for the girl to go out and have a beer with her coach after getting back from serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan until she turns 21. Does that make any sense?

We also learned that the mother of the girl reportedly knew about the relationship and either (a) allowed it to continue, or (b) told the girl to break it off (which the girl obviously didn’t do). And for that she was arrested. Is stupidity now a felony?

Like it or not, this matter raises some serious parental rights questions. After all, the difference between 15 and the “official” age of consent is negligible. Indeed, “in the old days” girls were married off at an even younger age. So the age of 16 is an arbitrary age set by the government.

Now if…because we don’t know if this is the case yet or not….but if the mother DID permit the relationship, is that something she should be arrested for? I mean, who gets to decide these matters – the parents or the government? If you say the government, you’re heading down a VERY slippery slope. The next thing you know we’ll have some kind of government-run education system which employs sexual predators.

But what if the mother DID tell the girl to break it off and the girl – as infatuated, immature 15-year-old girls are wont to do – ignored her mother and continued to see the man behind her mother’s back. Is THAT something a mother should be arrested for?

Of course, some are saying the mother should have been arrested for not reporting the matter to the authorities. Again, if parents decide to deal with a family matter themselves rather than involving government agents, shouldn’t that be the right of the parent? Since when do Americans need to involve the government in every difficult situation in life?

And then there’s the question of the father.

According to reports, the mother MAY have told her daughter to have the coach buy her a separate cell phone so her father wouldn’t find out. That raises two questions/possibilities:

1.) The mother and father are married and living together and the mother hid this relationship from her husband who, as a parent and unlike the government, had every right to know about the matter. If that’s the case then maybe the police didn’t arrest the mother so much as put her in protective custody, because God help her once daddy found out what was going on under his own roof.

2.) The mother and father were not married and living together, in which case the media should investigate and report on the circumstances of this teenage girl being raised during a very difficult period of time in her life without the benefit of a man in the house. I mean, other than the soccer coach. Is this yet another example of the bad things that can happen in a fatherless home?

Now, don’t get me wrong on all of this. I think if the mother knew about this relationship and either allowed it or didn’t take more aggressive steps to end it is an irresponsible idiot deserving of scorn and ridicule. But arrest? It’s these tough calls which test our tolerance for an ever-expanding energetic government.

The mother’s case is at least debatable until we learn all the facts, but as for the 40-year-old soccer coach, this is pretty open-and-shut.

As the girl’s coach, this sexual predator was in a position of power and influence which he used to his advantage. Brothels and prostitutes were invented specifically with this guy in mind. To take such advantage of an impressionable 15-year-old girl like this is inexcusable.

Perhaps instead of trying this guy in a government court of law and incarcerating him, a better option would be to take him and the father out to the desert, give the father a shotgun and the soccer coach a 30-second head start. Now THAT would be justice.