Man Creates Dating App That Tricks Tons Of Women Into Thinking He’s The Only Match

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A full-blown “Ladies' Man.” (Courtesy: Shutterstock)

(Eric Lieberman, The Daily Caller News Foundation) – A man created a dating app where he was the only male available for matching.

Shed Simove, 45, an entrepreneur and author from Britain, invented the virtual program called “Shinder,” a play off of the popular matchmaking app Tinder, according to The Mirror.

“I joined all the usual [ones]–and some unusual ones too … I quickly realized that it’s tough to stand out and get noticed with seemingly endless choice,” Simove says, according to The Mirror. “I’m now a big fish in my own pond.”

Once someone downloads the app on their mobile device and then logs in through their Facebook profile, a user is presented with Simove’s profile.

Women who like what they see from Simove’s account and subsequently request to match with him (known as swiping right on Tinder) are greeted with the message “Good choice! You clearly have exquisite taste. You’ll be notified if you’re a match.”

If Simove is also impressed and selects the matching option, then the two are connected via an instant messaging platform, to converse and potentially plan a date, reports The Mirror.

Women who choose to pass on Simove, or women who Simove passes on, (known as swiping left) will be notified that there are no more men available for connection.

These women are offered to sign up to Shed’s mailing lists, and are provided a message about ‘dodging a bullet’ since Shed describes himself as “high maintenance.”

Men, though, can’t get much out of Shinder. Any male who “swipes right” on Simove’s profile will receive the note, “Sorry, Shed is currently a full blown heterosexual, but keep in touch.”

“I’m looking for my Shinderella, not Shinderfella,” Simove explains, according to The Mirror.

And he just may find her. Simove has 100 matches so far with one upcoming date.

But it is not clear if the plus-one knows exactly how “Shinder” works.


Content originally published at The Daily Caller.

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