McDonalds: Building the Foundations of the American Workforce

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(David Mansdoerfer) – Recently, McDonalds, the international fast food chain, hired 50,000 managers and crew members for their restaurants across the nation. Unlike the temporary surge in employment that came after the Federal government hired nearly 1 million people to work on the 2010 census, McDonalds is helping to set the foundations of a recovering job market without the help of ever increasing government regulations.

Of the 50,000 jobs that are being created, a vast majority of them will be entry-level crewmembers making between $7.25 – $8.00 an hour. While these jobs have been downplayed because of their low pay, they are extremely important to the U.S. job market.

It is important to note that a majority of those who make minimum wage are young (under the age of 25) and work part time (under 35 hours a week).

Over the past 10 years, this demographic has been hit extremely hard. The unemployment rate for teenage workers between the ages of 16-19 has skyrocketed from 14.7% to 25.9%.

Since a majority of these new jobs will be targeted at this demographic, McDonalds is helping to create entry level jobs that serve as the foundation for today’s job market.

While creating 50,000 jobs is impressive, it is even more impressive when you take into account the increased regulations and negative image being cast upon them by the government.

Last November, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to restrict McDonalds, and other fast food chains, from offering toys to children in meals with high fat and sugar content. Beyond this, after years of government pressure, McDonalds has willingly put their calorie counts on their menus.

Even though McDonalds, as with the rest of the country, has suffered through the economic downturn of the last couple of years, their ability to grow in this economy, in the face of increased government regulation, should be applauded.

Instead of allowing the government to regulate and negatively portray companies like McDonalds, who serve as the foundation of both the American job market and economy, we should encourage our representatives at the local, state and federal levels to support them.

I know the next time I am in need of a quick meal on the go; I will support a true American company – McDonalds.

(Mr. Mansdoerfer is the Director of Federal Affairs for Citizen Outreach)