On the campaign trail, President Donald Trump once said U.S. airports “are like from a third-world country.” Privatization, including air traffic control, is a way to boost infrastructure spending to address that problem and provide a more efficient air transportation system.
As Republicans continue their campaign to make America great again, they should consider getting the government out of the airport business and let business again take care of business.
“The city of St. Louis,” the St. Louis Business Journal reported last week, “has submitted a preliminary application to the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Privatization Pilot Program, which could allow it to privatize operations of St. Louis Lambert International Airport.
“A 1997 federal law, which was reauthorized in 2012, allows up to 10 public airports to lease the facilities to private operators. Five airports are currently approved, and city officials said they did not know how many airports are competing for the remaining five slots.”
Indeed, proponents argue such public-private deals would generate more revenue for airport construction and upgrades by allowing individual airports to increase the “passenger facility charge” user fee on those who are actually using the airport rather than the general taxpaying public.
Airport privatization proposals are popping up here and there around the globe, including neighboring Canada. Let’s hope the idea takes flight here in the U.S.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Why is it that who we vote for is private but who we contribute to is public? If there are potential consequences to the public knowing who we support in the voting booth, then there are certainly potential consequences to the public knowing who we support with our checkbook.
Seems to me campaign finance disclosure requirements only benefit the media and the candidate’s opponents – which in the case of conservatives is often the same thing.
P.P.S. There are, indeed, morons among us. Fail Army is a YouTube production that combines video clips weekly in a sort of America’s Funniest Home Videos meets Jackass. Click here for this week’s selections.
I guess you’re not supposed to laugh at others’ misfortune, but some of these idiots truly appear to have been put on this earth by the Good Lord for our amusement. It also backs up my friend Grover Norquist’s contention that no one’s life is a waste; some people serve as bad examples. Enjoy!
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Heard on the Grapevine: Republicans Danny Tarkanian and former Clark County GOP Chairman Dave “For Himself” McKeon are both planning to run for the 3rd Congressional District seat in Las Vegas in 2018.
In Other News: Clark County GOP Chairman Dwight Mazzone resigned last week. Acting Chairman Dave Gaffney and longtime grassroots activist Eddie Facey are expected to run for the post in June's election.
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Say “NO” to an anti-consumer bill, AB129, that would prohibit you from using new, highly reliable online eye tests for no reason other than to protect optometrists from competition.
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“This (Nevada) Democrat-led majority Legislature is pushing the most anti-business, anti-law enforcement and anti-family agenda in state history. So I am not surprised that they are not eager to hold hearings on many of my pro-business, pro-law enforcement and pro-family bills. That’s OK. My job is to do everything I can to wreck their extreme and irresponsible agenda.” – Nevada State Senate Minority Leader Michael Roberson (R-Las Vegas)