Need Something Awesome to Cheer You Up Today?

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(Chuck Muth) – KB Balla, a black American, “invested his life savings” into opening a sports bar in Minneapolis.

But before he could open the doors to Scores Sports Bar, which had already been delayed thanks to COVID-19, rioters destroyed it.  The entire building was burned down.

The tearful and distraught man – a firefighter and youth sports coach – said to a CNN interviewer in the midst of the rubble…

     “I don’t know what we’re gonna do.  We worked so hard to get here.  So hard.”

No, that’s not the cheerful news.  Hang on.  It’s coming.

The day after the destruction, Mr. Balla wrote…

     “I went to Scores yesterday and all I could do was cry. As a firefighter and public servant, I am used to saving lives and being strong, but this broke me. The glass was broken, it was looted, and vandalized. While filming for CNN, people came in trying to steal the safe and I wondered what next?

No, that’s still not the cheerful news.  Here ya go…

     “My community, that’s what. Strangers showed up with brooms, cleaning supplies, trash bags, and food. They helped me and my family clean up in 20 minutes what would have took days. THIS IS WHAT GIVES ME HOPE! I want to thank and shed light on the real true Minnesotans who helped many of us small business owners clean up yesterday.”

Hang on.  It gets better…

Brad Parscale, President Trump’s campaign manager, posted Mr. Balla’s CNN interview on Twitter today, writing…

     “Feel bad for Korboi Balla. This country is about making your dreams come true.  Before he could open his bar, rioters destroyed it.  I just donated to his GoFundMe page.  Korboi, hope you make an even better sports bar!”

Following Mr. Parscale’s lead, I went to the GoFundPage and kicked in $100.

But no, that’s still not the best, most cheerful news.  Get this…

The goal of the GoFundMe campaign was $100,000.  But the amount raised so far isn’t anywhere near that amount.

In fact, at the time I made my donation over 32,000 people had already kicked in a total of over $979,000!!!

Freaking AWESOME!  And I hope this good man breaks a million.

Wanna help?  Click here

From the Files of The Schwartz Report

Let’s hop into the Wayback Machine…

Back in the 2018 GOP gubernatorial primary, then-Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt supported a referendum to repeal Gov. Brian Sandoval’s controversial “Commerce Tax.”

When asked about the referendum, then-State Treasurer Dan Schwartz, who was running against Laxalt, called it a “waste of time.”  Said he could only support its repeal if the funds from the tax were replaced with funds from another tax source rather than reducing spending.

“There’s a hole in the budget,” Schwartz said, “let’s take money from another source (and) use that to plug the hole.”

In other words, “Don’t tax you.  Don’t tax me.  Tax the guy behind the tree.”

That is decidedly NOT the conservative position, despite the fact that Schwartz is billing himself on his campaign website as a “Constitutional Conservative.”  He should thank his lucky stars there’s no truth-in-labeling laws that apply to political campaigns!

Clear choice in Nevada's 3rd Congressional District GOP primary this year: Big Dan Rodimer.

About Assembly District 2

Three Republicans are running in the GOP primary for Nevada Assembly District 2 to replace tax-hiking RINO Assemblyman John Hambrick.  All three – Jim Small, Heidi Kasama and Erik Sexton – are Tax Pledge signers.

Conservatives can vote for Small with a clear conscience.  He’d vote the way you want.  However, you first have to win the seat.  And I haven’t seen the kind of campaign Jim would need to beat the Democrat in November.  That’s what worries me.

I met with Kasama a few months ago and liked her.  But now I’m seeing things that worry me.  A lot.

First, she’s Hambrick’s choice. That alone should scare any conservative.

Secondly, she dropped her independent political consultant and has the incompetent Republican Assembly Caucus guys, who answer to the RINOs in the caucus, running her campaign.

Who do you think she’s going to align with in caucus leadership fights?

Thirdly, she’s nailing down support from the Carson City establishment crowd – including the do-nothing Las Vegas Chamber and Nevada Realtors Association, which is investing a huge amount of money bloodying up her opponents in the race with third-party hit pieces.

Conservatives are right to be concerned as to where her allegiance would lie when these special interests come a’callin’.

Sexton would be a solid, independent conservative vote.  He’s “one of us” and won’t go-along-to-get-along with the RINOs in the caucus.

However, he also had a run-in with Metro while intoxicated at his brother-in-law’s house a year ago during a rough family situation.  The body-cam video of the incident is, admittedly, not pretty.

However, Erik regrets what happened, has owned up to it, apologized, and isn’t trying to trivialize it at all.  And if he wins this primary, he will DEFINITELY be battle tested going into the general election.

This race is a tough one to call.  I like all three candidates and will support whichever one moves on to the general election in November.

But the real battle in the Assembly right now for conservatives isn’t between Republicans and Democrats.  It’s between liberal Republicans and conservative Republicans in the GOP caucus.  Erick would definitely align with the conservatives, not the establishment.

So my recommendation in Assembly District 2 GOP primary is Erik Sexton.

About Assembly District 36

This is another really tough one, but for different reasons.

The incumbent Republican, Assemblyman Greg Hafen, was appointed to the position after Assemblyman Dennis Hof passed away before taking office.  It was a political appointment thanks to family connections, nothing more.

After being sworn in, Mr. Hafen aligned himself with the RINO Caucus, especially the worst Republican in the entire Legislature (and that’s saying something!), Assemblyman Glen Leavitt.

He’s also refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, saying in a recent debate – that his opponent, Joe Bradley, refused to participate in despite nagging Hafen for months to square off with him – that we should just take his word for it.

You know, the same thing former District 36 Assemblyman James Oscarson told us – before voting for the largest tax hike in state history.  Sorry, Mr. Hafen, that dog won’t hunt.

Unfortunately, Bradley has serious problems of his own that I experienced first-hand as a former campaign adviser.  While he would likely be a more conservative vote, Bradley has some serious integrity issues.

Yes, he says the right things that conservatives want to hear and comes off as a very nice guy in person.  However, he lacks the political judgment and temperament to be effective, including a seriously unhealthy problem with paranoia.

He’s no Dennis Hof.  He’s no Ed Goedhart.  More like Capt. Queeg (ask your grandpa).

And here’s another concern:

Right now, 30 of the Assembly’s 42 seats are represented by someone from Clark County.  District 36 covers all of Nye County and parts of Clark and Lincoln counties.  Bradley lives in Clark County.

Do the rural voters of Nye and Lincoln counties really want to be represented by a Clark County suburbanite?  Aren’t 30 out of 42 seats enough for Clark?

As a conservative, I can’t recommend Mr. Hafen.  But because of my personal and direct working experience with Bradley, there’s no way I could vote for him.  If I had to vote today, I’d probably leave that race blank on my ballot and look for a better alternative in 2022.

So unless something changes between now and Election Day, I’m sticking with “None of the Above” in Assembly District 36.

UPDATE: 2020 Personal Candidate Recommendations

Please note: My recommendations are based on if I was voting TODAY…which I’m not.  And with that said, here are some new recommendations…

State Assembly District 2: Erik Sexton

State Board of Education District 1: Steve Esh
State Board of Education District 3: Bruce James-Newman

Clark County School Board A:  Anand Nair
Clark County School Board C:  Noel Searles

Running, up-to-date list here:

Drive-By Muthings

* It’s not enough to arrest the rioters and looters.  If they’re simply caught and released with no serious penalty, then getting arrested is no big deal.  Wanna deter this crap in the future?  Then prosecutors and judges need to throw the book at these people NOW.

* The anarchy in a number of major Democrat-run American cities has succeeded in ending the debate over gun control for at least the next decade.  Everyone now knows that law enforcement simply cannot protect them in a situation like this.  That’s why it’s called self-defense.

* The shutdown over COVID-19 has also succeeded in ending the debate over whether or not to build a wall on our southern border.  Git ‘er done.

* “If wearing a face mask might save somebody’s life by preventing them from contracting COVID-19,” asks reporter John Przybys of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, “isn’t it just the ethical thing to do?”  By that logic, isn’t it just the ethical thing to do to lower the speed limit on our interstate highways to 25 miles per hour?


“Friendly reminder: If you can loot in person, you can vote in person!” – Brigitte Gabriel

“I can accurately describe to you everything that is going on right now in one word: fatherlessness.” – Alex Clark

“I know for a fact that had I had a father, I’d have some discipline. I’d have more confidence. Your mother cannot calm you down the way a man can. Your mother can't reassure you the way a man can.  You need a man to teach you how to be a man.” – Tupac Shakur