Image courtesy of Silverflume.gov
(Noell Evans) – Businesses in the state of Nevada are going to have an easier time when dealing with state-required paperwork – just not yet.
Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office says it will be a few more weeks until all of the issues have been worked out of SilverFlume – the state’s “First Stop for Business Registration.”
The site has been a vital tool for doing business in the state. As technology advanced, it became apparent that there was more that the site could, and should, do to help advance business interests in the state, according to the secretary of state's office. In 2015, the state legislature approved a redesign of the site to make it more intuitive and user friendly with “access to improved business application forms, expanded search capabilities and online help.” The project schedule called for a rollout of the new business tool in the second week of July.
That date has come and gone and users are still experiencing service issues with the site. Currently the site has a yellow banner alerting users that some features have been disabled. The Secretary of State’s office has announced that applications and filings that would normally go through the site should be submitted to their offices in-person or through the mail.
“Our offices in Carson City and Las Vegas have been and will continue to accept business filings through mail and in-person,” Secretary of State spokesperson Jennifer Russell said in a statement.