(Nevada Firearms Coalition) – There will be a public meeting of the Nevada Legislature’s Advisory Committee on the Administration of Justice on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 beginning at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in room 3137 of the Legislative Building in Carson City and video conferenced to room 4412 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building in Las Vegas
The third item on the agenda will be an Interim Hearing on the issue of “Assault Weapons in Nevada.” This is an informal hearing and they will be discussing what Nevada’s laws are and what other states have done regarding the regulation of these weapons. There will be three presenters: Law Enforcement, The Legal Center to Prevent Gun Violence from San Francisco and the NRA. There will be no public testimony.
The Chair of the “Advisory Committee on the Administration of Justice” is Assemblyman William Horne. Assemblyman Horne is the Chair of the Justice committee who did not bring up several positive firearms laws for vote (including campus carry).
Please schedule time to attend this hearing. Even if we won’t be able to provide input, our presence will let them know that what they do is of great concern to us citizens and firearms owners.
WHEN: August 28, 2012 Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: Room 3137 Legislative Building, Carson City
Room 4412 Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Las Vegas
WHAT: Informal Hearing on Assault Weapons in Nevada
WHO: Advisory Committee on the Administration of Justice
DRESS: Business casual